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Now that we are no longer paying taxes, can I quit the PAC?

It's a pain in the ass to stop contributing to the PAC. of course they make it easy to start contributing, but there's no way to stop unless you send multiple emails.

Seriously--you are still contributing to the PAC? I stopped about 6 years ago and it was very easy to do through HRSource. I can't think of one thing in over 25 years with Pfizer that the PAC has done to make my job or life easier or more productive. I'd be open to anyone else who has a story of how their PAC contributions helped!

Seriously--you are still contributing to the PAC? I stopped about 6 years ago and it was very easy to do through HRSource. I can't think of one thing in over 25 years with Pfizer that the PAC has done to make my job or life easier or more productive. I'd be open to anyone else who has a story of how their PAC contributions helped!

Maybe I'm paranoid, but I always felt Pfizer knew who gave and who didn't. Didn't matter-I got laid off anyway!! lol My advice-stop giving-spend the $5 on Starbucks.

If we become a UK company to avoid paying US taxes, will the PAC people shut the fuck up for once and give me back my $5 a month contribution?

AMEN, my brother. This greedy ass company always has it's hand out to wave rainbow flags, and take pac money. I would love to see all of the New York Assholes pack up and move to Britain! Good riddance.

Just keep paying and vote the way the Koch brothers tell you to!!!! Just do it. No thinking is allowed!

Come out from under your deluded rock and pull your head out of your MSNBC loving ass.

This company is all LEFTARD from the BOD to the ELT. Every damn one of them is a democrat and some even did massive fundraisers for your community organizer, messiah Obamao.

Try using your brain for once, useful idiot.

AMEN, my brother. This greedy ass company always has it's hand out to wave rainbow flags, and take pac money. I would love to see all of the New York Assholes pack up and move to Britain! Good riddance.

the answer is no, you cannot quit contributing to PAC. Sally Sussman needs your money to continue to fund her complaining to get more liberal Dems in office!

AMEN, my brother. This greedy ass company always has it's hand out to wave rainbow flags, and take pac money. I would love to see all of the New York Assholes pack up and move to Britain! Good riddance.

Nobody in the UK wants Pfizer, the corporation that repeatedly shits on everyone. In the USA that behavior is perfectly acceptable and even admired by most Republicans, but in smarter countries it's unacceptable.

Nobody in the UK wants Pfizer, the corporation that repeatedly shits on everyone. In the USA that behavior is perfectly acceptable and even admired by most Republicans, but in smarter countries it's unacceptable.

The broke socialist countries who live off the charity of the USA? Don't worry we will be joining you soon enough. Then we can all aspire to your level of misery. Go Leftism! The demise of man!

Come out from under your deluded rock and pull your head out of your MSNBC loving ass.

This company is all LEFTARD from the BOD to the ELT. Every damn one of them is a democrat and some even did massive fundraisers for your community organizer, messiah Obamao.

Try using your brain for once, useful idiot.

Exactly! Pfizer loves BHO.

I quit the PAC last year. Am sick and tired of all the $ in politics, regardless of which side it comes from. I will never contribute any money to any political cause again. I may contribute my time, depending on the issue.

I left the PAC a long time ago. Too many contributions to people who want to destroy capitalism and support Occupy.

What do you expect when the person running the PAC, Sally Sussman, is a DEM party fundraiser...do a little research on her, you will be both baffled and angry that someone like her would be put in charge of a PAC that is SUPPOSED to be party blind...