
It’s disgusting leadership is ranking DSSs based on whether their patients die or not. This company isn’t what it used to be.
OMG!!! That is truly disgusting. This is what happens when you have accountants and finance running the company. There is no more heart at Novocure. It’s become just a bottom line organization.

Bottom basement management who fired all the good ones in 2023. Asaf Golddigger is clueless as a CEO the current morons he has working ( if they actually do anything?) in management.

Asaf Golddigger out as CEO and replaced by a semi-retarded CFO. No change for the do nothing dim wits in Patient Experience. When will some competent management take hold of this company?

JM is the biggest loser EVER!!! Only fired by Novartis twice. We love rejects. NK Thor mkt is another loser. Only two formal HR complaints filed against him during his first three months. And he is still here. Lung will b demise of company.
1000% agree with this post. Im a thoracic TM and I’m very skeptical about these arse clowns.......especially JM, NK, KL, FR,JH. I’ve never been around so much incompetence. It’s no wonder stock has gone from $200-$16. It’s just a suck up contest when they are together

If you read the LinkedIn recruitment posts by Novocure, you’d get the impression they are the best company to work for with a completely selfless mission. When in reality they are the absolute worst in terms of caring for their employees. If you don’t agree with your direct leadership or senior management they will type cast you and eventually run you out — countless examples of this. Don’t be mesmerized by words. Ask for actions and do your diligence. They’re a shady company with a very shady past. Ask prominent Neuro Oncologists what they think of the leadership and the general approach the company takes marketing and selling their product. If you are foolish enough or may be desperate enough to join, make sure you do your homework on whose *** you need to kiss on a regular basis.

If you read the LinkedIn recruitment posts by Novocure, you’d get the impression they are the best company to work for with a completely selfless mission. When in reality they are the absolute worst in terms of caring for their employees. If you don’t agree with your direct leadership or senior management they will type cast you and eventually run you out — countless examples of this. Don’t be mesmerized by words. Ask for actions and do your diligence. They’re a shady company with a very shady past. Ask prominent Neuro Oncologists what they think of the leadership and the general approach the company takes marketing and selling their product. If you are foolish enough or may be desperate enough to join, make sure you do your homework on whose *** you need to kiss on a regular basis.
1000% accurate

Only selfish crooks and lying scumbags left. Meet the real cast of characters! FL, the incompetent fool with no commercial prowess, JM, the power hungry queen wannabe would would never have this level of responsibility in real companies, the chameleon, TC, who changes her tune depending on how she benefits. She manages up very well so watch out for her. KL the village idiot who has them all fooled (guess he’s not that stupid after all).

These upper level management clowns couldn't run a circus! They laid off the best and kept the worst. This is just one example of the current shit show called Novocure. "Patient backwards, incompetent management forwards!" Should be this pathetic companies slogan. Also anyone know if the new CEO knows basic math skills? As a CFO she was fucking clueless! Onwards & upwards everyone!