Novo management would rather climb a tree to tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth

I know you're TRYING to joke here, but HR is running the show. Jesper is nowhere to be seen....

HR is here to protect the company. Period. In addition, everyone knows that HR usually the department where pharma companies dump minorities and women so that they can show that they have minorities and women in "leadership" positions in headquarters.

HR doesn't do diddly squat without approval of senior leadership.

Place the blame where it belongs, not on the VP of some pencil jockey department.

HR is here to protect the company. Period. In addition, everyone knows that HR usually the department where pharma companies dump minorities and women so that they can show that they have minorities and women in "leadership" positions in headquarters.

HR doesn't do diddly squat without approval of senior leadership.

Place the blame where it belongs, not on the VP of some pencil jockey department.

HR is part of "senior leadership". The only person the VP of HR answers to is Jesper. He's too busy thinking his job is being a sales rep, and he's ignored his role of managing his staff. In turn, HR set up and executed this shit storm in a vacuum to "protect" the other departments.

HR is part of "senior leadership". The only person the VP of HR answers to is Jesper. He's too busy thinking his job is being a sales rep, and he's ignored his role of managing his staff. In turn, HR set up and executed this shit storm in a vacuum to "protect" the other departments.

You're shooting the messenger. Our VP of HR is NOT the one that launched this debacle. Trust me, you're calling down fire on the wrong location. This is squarely in the camp of our ELT. They're the ones that bought into the pod strategy years ago, they're the ones that have finally realized that we're too bloated for today's world, they're the ones behind this mess. By the way, if you have friends or competitors from this industry, ask them how they got rid of people a few years back. Our method was more humane.

A couple of thoughts here - first, I've been here 12 years and Novo has never claimed that they never laid off. I'm not sure where that even comes from. Second, this isn't a downsizing. When you start with 3000 and end with 3000, you didn't downsize. Talk to someone who has actually been downsized and you'll understand what that's all about. Last, blame whomever you want, but if you listened on any of the conference calls, this was all HR and Legal - no one in Sales leadership had input about who was placed and displaced. If you're looking to place blame on how shitty this has been handled, look no further than the new VP of HR.

Now that is just an inaccurate statement. I've been here as long as you and DISTINCTLY remember at a POA (2008? 2009?) where Jeff Frazier was showing slides of the pharma industry layoff trend, with a comparison to Novo's employee growth, and taking great pride in that by saying "you will not see layoffs at Novo". Maybe you went to the bathroom during that presentation.

Now that is just an inaccurate statement. I've been here as long as you and DISTINCTLY remember at a POA (2008? 2009?) where Jeff Frazier was showing slides of the pharma industry layoff trend, with a comparison to Novo's employee growth, and taking great pride in that by saying "you will not see layoffs at Novo". Maybe you went to the bathroom during that presentation.

Really, you are pretending that you can actually quote J. Frazier word for word, but you can't even remember what year it was? Forgive me if I don't believe you on this one. Keep trying - but maybe you were in the bathroom that year.

And, again, no one has been laid off. All are being offered jobs, even if it's a job they don't want. Same number of people in the field at the end of this as there were at the beginning.

I remember that meeting and what Frazier said. He never would have let this happen. Im not just referring to the layoffs/displacements whatever, I'm also talking about the unprofessional and disgraceful way people found out before hand via ups. Classless. He knew what was up when he left. Good move on his part.

Idc what u call it. Layoffs displacements whatever. Those of us who have been here and know what this company has become are horrified over the way people are being treated. Fact is people came here believing Novo was different because that is what they were told. It doesn't matter if it was a layoff or not. What happened last week was WRONG. Not only was it sneaky by offering people jobs miles away from their homes and current positions but that crap with ups was just disgusting. Call it whatever you want but under the leadership that made this company successful it would never have happened.

"And, again, no one has been laid off. All are being offered jobs, even if it's a job they don't want. Same number of people in the field at the end of this as there were at the beginning."

This is a cruel and insensitive statement to make. People lost their jobs. You, dear poster, better look out what karma comes your way.

"And, again, no one has been laid off. All are being offered jobs, even if it's a job they don't want. Same number of people in the field at the end of this as there were at the beginning."

This is a cruel and insensitive statement to make. People lost their jobs. You, dear poster, better look out what karma comes your way.


In addition if you don't think this was a layoff, go ask your region's rsm how much longer they have employment at Novo and while you are at it define what "business rules" are for the 86 ppl who have to rank their choices 1 to 6.

"And, again, no one has been laid off. All are being offered jobs, even if it's a job they don't want. Same number of people in the field at the end of this as there were at the beginning."

This is a cruel and insensitive statement to make. People lost their jobs. You, dear poster, better look out what karma comes your way.

Cry me a fucking river. You have an entitlement mentality. No one owes you a handout.

"And, again, no one has been laid off. All are being offered jobs, even if it's a job they don't want. Same number of people in the field at the end of this as there were at the beginning."

This is a cruel and insensitive statement to make. People lost their jobs. You, dear poster, better look out what karma comes your way.

Cruel and insensitive? If I said something that wasn't true, let me know what it was. You might not like the truth, but it's true just the same.

The only ones who lost their jobs are the ones who CHOOSE not to relocate. There's a choice here, for everyone.

A couple of thoughts here - first, I've been here 12 years and Novo has never claimed that they never laid off. I'm not sure where that even comes from. Second, this isn't a downsizing. When you start with 3000 and end with 3000, you didn't downsize. Talk to someone who has actually been downsized and you'll understand what that's all about. Last, blame whomever you want, but if you listened on any of the conference calls, this was all HR and Legal - no one in Sales leadership had input about who was placed and displaced. If you're looking to place blame on how shitty this has been handled, look no further than the new VP of HR.

When they put the initial HS model into certain pats of the country, there were displacements and layoffs as well. That was 5 year ago? No company is immune from the trends. Still not sure why we did the DCA expansion when we were primed for a redrawing of maps etc.

Not sure how many time this has to happen before people realize that Novo is a job, t is not your life. If you allow it to consume your life, you will be let down and disappointed like so many on this thread seem to be. Just a will happen again in the future.

I have been laid off, and have a family etc. Conduct yourself with dignity and class and you will be fine.

Cruel and insensitive? If I said something that wasn't true, let me know what it was. You might not like the truth, but it's true just the same.

The only ones who lost their jobs are the ones who CHOOSE not to relocate. There's a choice here, for everyone.

Really? Including the folks just hired, being told they have no jobs while they're in training?

Go fuck yourself.

Really? Including the folks just hired, being told they have no jobs while they're in training?

Go fuck yourself.

Odd, I know of one of those people in my Region that accepted a new position. They were given the same choice as everyone else, even though they had just gotten to NNI.

Some may not like the choices they had, but there was still a choice. Now, why don't you curse at me some more just because you disagree with what I say - I so rarely see that on CP.

Odd, I know of one of those people in my Region that accepted a new position. They were given the same choice as everyone else, even though they had just gotten to NNI.

Some may not like the choices they had, but there was still a choice. Now, why don't you curse at me some more just because you disagree with what I say - I so rarely see that on CP.

I guess this is most DCS first experience with a year where we didn't have double digit quarterly growth, or we didn't expand.

We'd better get used to it, because most reports show that the next few years are going to be worse. Payers are getting stronger by 'combining', hospital systems are being bought out by bigger hospital systems, group offices are being bought by hospital systems.

From Fierce Pharma: Just three years ago, only 35% of U.S. physician practices put tight restrictions on pharma sales staff, according to the latest AccessMonitor report from pharma sales consultants at ZS Associates. As of this spring, it's 53%.
Some of the reasons are familiar: Teaching hospitals worry about the optics of pharma sales reps in their hallways. Doctors are pressed to see more patients per day than they did back when. But a major factor these days is consolidation among healthcare providers, which often puts physician practices under the control of big health systems. As part of that consolidation, doctors' practices cede control of policy-related decisions--such as access to reps--to their new owners

Our industry is going to feel the pinch, if not next year, then the year after. That means less of us, more of the sales forces for hire.

When they put the initial HS model into certain pats of the country, there were displacements and layoffs as well. That was 5 year ago? No company is immune from the trends. Still not sure why we did the DCA expansion when we were primed for a redrawing of maps etc.

Not sure how many time this has to happen before people realize that Novo is a job, t is not your life. If you allow it to consume your life, you will be let down and disappointed like so many on this thread seem to be. Just a will happen again in the future.

I have been laid off, and have a family etc. Conduct yourself with dignity and class and you will be fine.

I think we have too many people that don't understand what just happened. I'm tired of hearing how this was about cutting costs - we won't save a penny with this reorg. We'll actually spend more - more AEs and fewer DCS. This was about addressing the problem that's been slapping us all in the face for a long time: health systems are growing and our access is getting worse. There's no reason to throw 4 people doing the same job at the same no-see doc. You know that and I know that. People should feel lucky that we didn't reduce the size of the field force. We just changed the ratio of the jobs. It's called running a multi-billion dollar business.