Novo management status


In HQ Denmark, the three senior members of ET recently, in turn, gave interviews on the question of when Novo returns to significant growth. First our CSO Mats Krumgard assured that growth would return in 2018. Then our soon-to-be-former (yet world's best) CEO Lars Rabin was out saying 2019. Finally, our CFO Jasper Brangoat today claimed that growth would return in 2021. WFT are these guys thinking, are they out to instill total lack of confidence in Novo management ? Nice job.


In HQ Denmark, the three senior members of ET recently, in turn, gave interviews on the question of when Novo returns to significant growth. First our CSO Mats Krumgard assured that growth would return in 2018. Then our soon-to-be-former (yet world's best) CEO Lars Rabin was out saying 2019. Finally, our CFO Jasper Brangoat today claimed that growth would return in 2021. WFT are these guys thinking, are they out to instill total lack of confidence in Novo management ? Nice job.

ESI and Caremark execs are probably laughing their asses off right about now. Remember, it wasn't too long ago that our stellar ET uttered stupidness about how we would sustain our growth for the foreseeable future, yadda yadda yadda. Now, we got guys like you-know-who whining about "unforeseen headwinds" and "we've never experienced anything like this before". Clueless, the lot of them. BUT, as with many C-suite types, whether or not they last here really doesn't make TOO much difference in their bottom line; they've got morbidly obese severance packages, and enough connections to 2nd rate pharma companies that some fool will pick them up after we boot their asses out. And there they will stay until THAT company realizes that they suck, and off they go to a yet smaller company for the last few years before retirement.

In HQ Denmark, the three senior members of ET recently, in turn, gave interviews on the question of when Novo returns to significant growth. First our CSO Mats Krumgard assured that growth would return in 2018. Then our soon-to-be-former (yet world's best) CEO Lars Rabin was out saying 2019. Finally, our CFO Jasper Brangoat today claimed that growth would return in 2021. WFT are these guys thinking, are they out to instill total lack of confidence in Novo management ? Nice job.

Probably need extended VISA's. Difficulty even for Canadians at this time.
May have to hire C-level Americans.

In HQ Denmark, the three senior members of ET recently, in turn, gave interviews on the question of when Novo returns to significant growth. First our CSO Mats Krumgard assured that growth would return in 2018. Then our soon-to-be-former (yet world's best) CEO Lars Rabin was out saying 2019. Finally, our CFO Jasper Brangoat today claimed that growth would return in 2021. WFT are these guys thinking, are they out to instill total lack of confidence in Novo management ? Nice job.

Looks like our CSO and CFO need to follow our CEO out the door. What an embarrassing exposure of lacking competence.

Looks like our CSO and CFO need to follow our CEO out the door. What an embarrassing exposure of lacking competence.

Yes…in the good old days, it really didn't matter who we had in the C suite. Victoza and even Levemir were eating Lantus' lunch, and life was good, what with the regular price increases and what-not. Its 2016. As many of us have noted for the past 3 years, PBMs often run the show these days.

Look at us now…running around in random directions like headless chickens, trying to figure out our next move. Oh, 42 consecutive quarters of growth guy, where are your words of wisdom and assurance when me need them most?

Yes…in the good old days, it really didn't matter who we had in the C suite. Victoza and even Levemir were eating Lantus' lunch, and life was good, what with the regular price increases and what-not. Its 2016. As many of us have noted for the past 3 years, PBMs often run the show these days.

Look at us now…running around in random directions like headless chickens, trying to figure out our next move. Oh, 42 consecutive quarters of growth guy, where are your words of wisdom and assurance when me need them most?

But wait, the Americans are stupid and we don't really need to learn their marketplace just raise the price even though the USA is headed toward a more "socialized" system with powerful PBM / managed care plans
They just accept price increases forever and by the way there is NO such thing as a "no see" doctor.

But wait, the Americans are stupid and we don't really need to learn their marketplace just raise the price even though the USA is headed toward a more "socialized" system with powerful PBM / managed care plans
They just accept price increases forever and by the way there is NO such thing as a "no see" doctor.

I am waiting for that cube dwelling jack-wipe to come on here and proclaim that docs are "no-see" only because we don't do our jobs properly. Of course, same jack-wipe ignores all of the surveys and analyses that document that access to docs in 2016 is at an all-time low (with the usual exception of the Deep South).

ESI and Caremark execs are probably laughing their asses off right about now. Remember, it wasn't too long ago that our stellar ET uttered stupidness about how we would sustain our growth for the foreseeable future, yadda yadda yadda. Now, we got guys like you-know-who whining about "unforeseen headwinds" and "we've never experienced anything like this before". Clueless, the lot of them. BUT, as with many C-suite types, whether or not they last here really doesn't make TOO much difference in their bottom line; they've got morbidly obese severance packages, and enough connections to 2nd rate pharma companies that some fool will pick them up after we boot their asses out. And there they will stay until THAT company realizes that they suck, and off they go to a yet smaller company for the last few years before retirement.

ESI and Caremark execs are probably laughing their asses off right about now. Remember, it wasn't too long ago that our stellar ET uttered stupidness about how we would sustain our growth for the foreseeable future, yadda yadda yadda. Now, we got guys like you-know-who whining about "unforeseen headwinds" and "we've never experienced anything like this before". Clueless, the lot of them. BUT, as with many C-suite types, whether or not they last here really doesn't make TOO much difference in their bottom line; they've got morbidly obese severance packages, and enough connections to 2nd rate pharma companies that some fool will pick them up after we boot their asses out. And there they will stay until THAT company realizes that they suck, and off they go to a yet smaller company for the last few years before retirement.

I'm willing to bet $500 that executive headhunters have been regularly calling Lars Sorenson since last September. I'm also willing to bet $500 that shortly after January 1, 2017, it will be announced that he as accepted a position as CEO of some Big Pharma corporation.

Maybe it'll be Sanofi..... they're in deep shit. Maybe they'll kick out their CEO and hire Lars.

I'm willing to bet $500 that executive headhunters have been regularly calling Lars Sorenson since last September. I'm also willing to bet $500 that shortly after January 1, 2017, it will be announced that he as accepted a position as CEO of some Big Pharma corporation.

Maybe it'll be Sanofi..... they're in deep shit. Maybe they'll kick out their CEO and hire Lars.

Hahahahahaha. Good sense of humour. Not going to happen. Remember, no coach is better than his last game. At the current rate, you will probably need to sell all your inventory of Novo stock to raise $500 anyway.

I'm willing to bet $500 that executive headhunters have been regularly calling Lars Sorenson since last September. I'm also willing to bet $500 that shortly after January 1, 2017, it will be announced that he as accepted a position as CEO of some Big Pharma corporation.

Maybe it'll be Sanofi..... they're in deep shit. Maybe they'll kick out their CEO and hire Lars.

Sanofi seems to prefer senior-level flotsam from Novartis, so I don't think that he'll land there.