
Yes, well, she ain't sleeping with you, because you're a wimpy Novartis Greensboro loser - she knows you have neither drive nor ambition - no bucks means no f***cks! Anyway, you'll be laid off soon so you'll have time to play with yourself, moron.

These are the words of a true classless loser! Likely has little or no time in the industry. Will not last long themselves. Will be interesting to see classless response.

Try and have an ounce of compassion for the people this is going to affect. Husbands, wives, families, kids rely on the money we make from this job, and having it taken away is not an easy thing to resolve sometimes.

Try and be civil.

Pretty quite here....What does everyone think about sentinel being sold to virbac? and them taking some Novartis people with them? Everybody feel more secure about having jobs or still uneasy about uncertainty?

Virbac acquiring sentinel along with NAH fucktards and thinking they will be able to compete is entertaining. There may be some synergy there since they are both spineless and worthless to distribution.

Umm virbac is gold to distribution. Wow, elanco reps really never leave the house, otherwise you may have noticed that with two major improvements on comfortis launching recently that you are the one distribution thinks is worthless.