Novartis to slash 2000 jobs

FLM here... Quote not true. There was no mention or update about Downsizing except re-confirmation by A. Wyss that we will get update by the end of March.

I said it was a rumor & he did not say an "update" by end of March. I think the question was concerning something about a restructure! Everyone knows big changes coming. We will know by end of March. I really think we will know by end of February. I think cuts will be deeper than originally thought. I, persoanally, am very worried about my job This is my opinion, but I think you are allowed to give your opinion on this site.

25 % reduction overall. Most territories will lose one Rep. Districts will be re-drawn with FLM's responsible for 3 - 4 territories consisting 12 - 16 Reps each. FLM's will be the hardest hit, as they should be. Announcements to be made 3rd week of January, effective Feb 1st. Year end reviews with a "1" are first to go. Time in territory will weigh heavily. Packages will be similar to the last ones offered.

25 % reduction overall. Most territories will lose one Rep. Districts will be re-drawn with FLM's responsible for 3 - 4 territories consisting 12 - 16 Reps each. FLM's will be the hardest hit, as they should be. Announcements to be made 3rd week of January, effective Feb 1st. Year end reviews with a "1" are first to go. Time in territory will weigh heavily. Packages will be similar to the last ones offered.

Ummm, FLM's won't be the hardest hit as they have a choice to take the package or a rep job. Just like last year. Most will take the rep job with the same salary, so nice try douchebag. Classic.

25 % reduction overall. Most territories will lose one Rep. Districts will be re-drawn with FLM's responsible for 3 - 4 territories consisting 12 - 16 Reps each. FLM's will be the hardest hit, as they should be. Announcements to be made 3rd week of January, effective Feb 1st. Year end reviews with a "1" are first to go. Time in territory will weigh heavily. Packages will be similar to the last ones offered.


25 % reduction overall. Most territories will lose one Rep. Districts will be re-drawn with FLM's responsible for 3 - 4 territories consisting 12 - 16 Reps each. FLM's will be the hardest hit, as they should be. Announcements to be made 3rd week of January, effective Feb 1st. Year end reviews with a "1" are first to go. Time in territory will weigh heavily. Packages will be similar to the last ones offered.

Don't know if this is completely accurate...Timing I wouldn't call this correct
National meetings are going to be May/June as communicated at the FLM meeting this week
They would never wait that long after the layoff to have a meeting
Probably will be announced in Mar to take effect May 1
As far as saying 1 rep from each POD depends how many are currently in each now.
Some have 6, some have 5 some have 4, some have 3 and its mainly because jobs havent' been filled
When has time in territory ever weighed heavily.....never!!

Ummm, FLM's won't be the hardest hit as they have a choice to take the package or a rep job. Just like last year. Most will take the rep job with the same salary, so nice try douchebag. Classic.

Sorry Mr. FLM, you take the rep job at REP PAY!!!! Don't believe me? Then call the Georgia DM that happened to last December. He will certainly tell you just how much his salary was cut!

And that Mr Douchebag FLM is KARMA! Haaaahahahahahahaha

25 % reduction overall. Most territories will lose one Rep. Districts will be re-drawn with FLM's responsible for 3 - 4 territories consisting 12 - 16 Reps each. FLM's will be the hardest hit, as they should be. Announcements to be made 3rd week of January, effective Feb 1st. Year end reviews with a "1" are first to go. Time in territory will weigh heavily. Packages will be similar to the last ones offered.

How can announcement be made 3rd week of January when Year end reviews aren't even completed yet. Regional meetings will be going then on so i call this part false!!

I know several people last year that got "1" on year end and were kept. Guarantee that there will be many variables that go into who stays and who goes.

If you are going to post info make sure its accurate