Yes, please wake up.
The UK and USA, like most other industrialized sovereign nation-states, were created out of the history of warfare and pandemic disease - i.e., "death controls" - of which the outcomes then determined the resultant social, economic, and political systems. Governments are fundamentally military, and their relationships with religion and/or business concerns are incestuous and always have been. War Kings eventually segued into Financial Kings. Political Economies are basically organized systems of lies, operating robberies, which have become more sophisticated financial frauds - i.e., "debt controls" - but not fundamentally different. That is what made the kind of civilization that we live in now. Not much else is that original or new, except the technologies becoming billions of times more powerful and capable, due to profound, paradigm-shifting progress in basic sciences. Relating this back to our industry, the Novartis of today is essentially the Dutch East India Company of yore. Indeed, modern human civilization is indebted to its "death and debt controls", and those who are best at managing those controls are also the best at lying about them. Ergo, we end up with countries and corporations ruled by professional liars and immaculate hypocrites operating in a complex web of decreed deceits and vindicated violence, physical and/or mental. Even the money you use and value today is backed by murder. And to deeply appreciate this fact of modern human civilization is to understand why the death and debt control systems, as they are, have become our reality.
Warfare is the oldest, best developed of social sciences, and success in war depends on deceit. The Kings were able to completely corrupt the nobility/governments to legalize frauds (i.e., land/property taxes) and employ force to make everyone else accept those frauds. Thusly, there is a direct line from the advent of atomic bombs to atomic power. Atomic bombs were the supreme manifestation of death control power, and atomic energy production was developed inside of that context, assessing every risk and benefit through metrics of “power through deceit”. When people did a risk/benefit analysis of developing atomic power production plants, their calculations were done using manipulated money, or debt, backed by the powers of government to rob and to kill at will. Their economic calculations were deliberately as short-term as possible, failing to account for the prior subsidies which produced the atom bomb.
From the big picture historical vantage point, modern civilization is the product of industrialized "human farming", a process of thousands of years of warfare and pandemic disease. In other words, the manifestation of the double-bind Catch 22 situations in which those who could not be stopped/killed were not stopped/killed. These situations become almost infinitely more problematic by advances in science and technology, while the threat of violence to back up the frauds come from (atomic, chemical, and biological) weapons of mass destruction.
A better industrialized, human farming is the only possible solution which would be consistent with the long-term survival of civilization. Ideally, that would happen because the people would understand that they were members of an organized crime gang, or a military organization, called their country, and thereby start to face the chronic political problems which are inherent to the nature of life in a more coherent way. However, the currently established systems are the expression of the triumph of the maximized deceits and frauds, which make more radical truth about themselves outside the grasp of people. Therefore, at present, not only do many Brits and Americans not understand that they are already inside of a basically military organization, but they also do not want to understand the basic realities of the murder systems, which are central to the industrialized human farming systems that they are actually living inside of now!
In "modern" American civilization, this all began with the Europeans' ability to conquer, genocidally wipe out, and assimilate the surviving natives. Surely, many people make the points that the ways that the American government treated the natives was the pattern followed thereafter by many others. One could also say that continued when Africans were brought over as slaves, and kept that way for quite a long time, with their "emancipation" being a very tentative and dubious process.
Those two treatments of natives and Africans were the backbone to the preparations for the current systems. The main difference now is that the predominantly white middle class are more and more finding out that they are not in "the club" - the people actually dominating society. Similarly, the vast majority of people fail to provide effective resistance as better dynamic equilibria between the different, deceitful systems. Instead, the ruling classes have become too successful at their long practiced and increasingly scientific methods of mind control manifested in media, communications, and public relations propaganda.
Modern civilization needs a series of profound, philosophical and scientific revolutions in the ways that we think about political economy and human ecology, which can work through understanding better how and why we have ended up with systems that operate through the maximum possible deceits and destructive forces. A good "revolution" is a re-evolution, which should primarily become convergence and creative synthesis of ideas. At the present time, the degree to which both the rulers, and those they rule over, agree with a basically bullshit world view makes such a revolution seemingly impossible. And any successful revolution will not end up promoting false fundamental dichotomies and the related impossible ideals, which all of the co-opted, controlled opposition, old-fashioned religions and ideologies have been promoting.
In the context of new advances in biomedicine, global terrorism, peak oil/gas, climate change, and people fighting with each other over the consequences of those things all converge in the foreseeable future, we will be forced to face real facts about the many things we deceive ourselves and choose not to confront today.