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Novartis IT Layoffs


Expect massive IT layoffs in the US with the CEO's drive to move 5,000 jobs to India - Europe won't be affected as much (since they have strong unions that fight back as they did in Switzerland to prevent mass layoffs)

Expect massive IT layoffs in the US with the CEO's drive to move 5,000 jobs to India - Europe won't be affected as much (since they have strong unions that fight back as they did in Switzerland to prevent mass layoffs)

To be fair, there are way too many Global Heads, Regional Heads, Heads, Managers, CIOs/VPs for IT, GIS, IGM, QA, ERP, TechOps, e-Compliance, relationship Management - overpaid, unproductive, survivors who add little value and have eyes on a big pension: this cutback was a long time coming: most of these people, once laid off, will be unable to find jobs with similar pay & similarly low accountability

To be fair, there are way too many Global Heads, Regional Heads, Heads, Managers, CIOs/VPs for IT, GIS, IGM, QA, ERP, TechOps, e-Compliance, relationship Management - overpaid, unproductive, survivors who add little value and have eyes on a big pension: this cutback was a long time coming: most of these people, once laid off, will be unable to find jobs with similar pay & similarly low accountability

RJ may be greedy & incompetent, but the CEO (JJ) is taking names & kicking butt - IT is a huge money-pit for NVS, and has little to show for it

Expect massive IT layoffs in the US with the CEO's drive to move 5,000 jobs to India - Europe won't be affected as much (since they have strong unions that fight back as they did in Switzerland to prevent mass layoffs)

Outsourcing IT to India is almost a given these days for cost-cutting - in the US, we simply cannot match the Indian cost per employee - and India does have strong IT people, who are hungry for the opportunity to work for a global western corporation

Expect massive IT layoffs in the US with the CEO's drive to move 5,000 jobs to India - Europe won't be affected as much (since they have strong unions that fight back as they did in Switzerland to prevent mass layoffs)

already started - shuffling people out in IGM (what a waste of a department - stands for Ignorant Morons)

Mark it: only one of RT or JF will survive a combined US Gen Meds and Oncology unit which will be the same way it is in every other CPO. Two many chiefs and not enough Indians, literally.

But AMD will probably go first right after audit remediation completes.

It's happening. But wait until Hyderabad is fully operational.

This whole 3-in-3 thing will decimate IT.

that is a matter of perspective. it should not decimate IT. and, it will not matter in the big picture.

you may lose your job depending on where you do what you do, but start developing a DR plan (if you haven't one already) and use the severance as an opportunity to do something you always wanted with your life. save money (and convert some into alternative forms of value) by spending less, but do not make a rush to pay down debt. in fact, borrow more if you can afford the minimum payments and agile enough to roll the credit over with lower rate debt financiers. all this will take care of itself in the face of negative net income, and you at least have some decent fall-back gigs in colorado or washington.

in all seriousness, why should government have all the fun in the game but not you? as you are all shareholders (owners) of usa, inc. by virtue of citizenship, you get to amend the rules whenever you want. sooner or later when everyone wakes up, you will look around at each other while nodding heads and murmuring in unison, "debt forgiveness?"

It's happening. But wait until Hyderabad is fully operational.

This whole 3-in-3 thing will decimate IT.

Obviously when the Novartis Business Services model kicks into full gear, expect any IT employee at or above Director/Head level based in USA to be let go. There will be a concentration of IT people in the Basel area, and in Hyderabad (India). This is the harsh future - of course, this is all happening because we have way too many 'leaders' 'strategists' and other non-value added overpaid people in IT - they looted NVS during good times, well now, those days are gone - all this cost cutting makes RJ look like a hero (when it was he who built the excessively large IT groups in the first place)

Obviously when the Novartis Business Services model kicks into full gear, expect any IT employee at or above Director/Head level based in USA to be let go. There will be a concentration of IT people in the Basel area, and in Hyderabad (India). This is the harsh future - of course, this is all happening because we have way too many 'leaders' 'strategists' and other non-value added overpaid people in IT - they looted NVS during good times, well now, those days are gone - all this cost cutting makes RJ look like a hero (when it was he who built the excessively large IT groups in the first place)

Ft. Worth?

Ft. Worth?

IT centers have been getting set up in Prague & Ft Worth - their long-term viability remains to be evaluated: having met IT 'execs' from both centers recently in meetings, they did not seem too sure about their own futures - they were mostly from outside the healthcare industry (mostly laid off from finance & banking company IT jobs) - the Prague IT 'execs' in particular came across very poorly, demeaning FDA regulations, talking down to Alcon and NOvartis business people - word on the street is RJ is already tiring of their brash style ...

IT centers have been getting set up in Prague & Ft Worth - their long-term viability remains to be evaluated: having met IT 'execs' from both centers recently in meetings, they did not seem too sure about their own futures - they were mostly from outside the healthcare industry (mostly laid off from finance & banking company IT jobs) - the Prague IT 'execs' in particular came across very poorly, demeaning FDA regulations, talking down to Alcon and NOvartis business people - word on the street is RJ is already tiring of their brash style ...

Interesting insights here. RJ has a big day next week at the Town Hall. Can we expect a big bang approach or the chinese water torture routine of yet more org chart modifications?

And what about Dublin and Hyderabad? Why not colocate the IT hub with the business hub?

Interesting insights here. RJ has a big day next week at the Town Hall. Can we expect a big bang approach or the chinese water torture routine of yet more org chart modifications?

And what about Dublin and Hyderabad? Why not colocate the IT hub with the business hub?

Expect RJ to drive a positive-sounding town hall - he is way too slick to do the dirty work himself - he will say things like 'we first figure out the right thing to do for the business and the people - and then find a way to make it happen' and other relatively non-committal stuff, with a few platitudes about difficult decisions to support evolving organizational needs etc.

I believe the Hyderabad center is on the path to being a multi-function shared services site, not far from the existing NVS offices; (not sure about Dublin - some say the future of that site is shaky, and Prague is trying one-up them)

I expect we'll hear about the new "functional" IT model. Rumor has it that ML is going to be head of a global Commercial function. There will be similar functions (e.g. TechOps) with similar leaders and the divisional-geographical CIO house of cards will collapse in on itself.

There will be indian layoffs too, but I expect many "chiefs" to be released or downgraded to what they really should have been all along.

I expect we'll hear about the new "functional" IT model. Rumor has it that ML is going to be head of a global Commercial function. There will be similar functions (e.g. TechOps) with similar leaders and the divisional-geographical CIO house of cards will collapse in on itself.

There will be indian layoffs too, but I expect many "chiefs" to be released or downgraded to what they really should have been all along.

so basically, NBS IT was what NVS has needed since the last 7+ years.

I expect we'll hear about the new "functional" IT model. Rumor has it that ML is going to be head of a global Commercial function. There will be similar functions (e.g. TechOps) with similar leaders and the divisional-geographical CIO house of cards will collapse in on itself.

There will be indian layoffs too, but I expect many "chiefs" to be released or downgraded to what they really should have been all along.

(1) The NVD IT people in India, US & Europewill all be let go along with the divsetment of NVD

(2) The one place RJ will keep several overpaid 'IT Leaders' will be at corporate - his coterie of sycophants

(3) Comparing to industry benchmarks, in NVS we have traditionally been getting way too top-heavy in IT for years with too many Global heads, Regional CIOs, Executive IT Evagelists, and what not

I expect we'll hear about the new "functional" IT model. Rumor has it that ML is going to be head of a global Commercial function. There will be similar functions (e.g. TechOps) with similar leaders and the divisional-geographical CIO house of cards will collapse in on itself.

There will be indian layoffs too, but I expect many "chiefs" to be released or downgraded to what they really should have been all along.

thoughts on the town hall today?

Mark it: only one of RT or JF will survive a combined US Gen Meds and Oncology unit which will be the same way it is in every other CPO.

Wishful thinking - Ms. RT is way too cunning a politician to let go her juicy steak of a compensation package - she went into depression when Sanofi canned her, and she thanked her lucky stars that she was able to land the Novartis gig - since CIO RJ wanted her as she posed no threat to his job. Bottom Line: Ms. RT ain't going nowhere