Look into the first six months of 2021 with Mahaffy and Novartis and you will find much more regarding Mahaffy’s actions at that time to prevent the sale of CLVS - these actions must be outlined and presented to the bankruptcy court because it proves that the facts are very different, including 25,000,000 shares at that time handed to illegal short positions on the equity.
Shame on the bankruptcy court for not doing their job and preventing this fraud from being perpetrated against CLVS shareholders. Pat Mahaffy and Ginger Graham prevented multiple sale offers from reaching shareholders and then opted for bankruptcy to benefit debt holders. Unreal.
Shame on the bankruptcy court for not doing their job and preventing this fraud from being perpetrated against CLVS shareholders. Pat Mahaffy and Ginger Graham prevented multiple sale offers from reaching shareholders and then opted for bankruptcy to benefit debt holders. Unreal.