Novartis is a Vulture Capitalist company


Novartis is not a research and development company. The people in charge are not interested in developing products, not interestested in new innovative projects, not interested in investing the amount of money needed to carry a research project from initial phase at the lab bench, through process development and into clinical trials. They think it's possible to move something from research to market in 3 to 5 years, and if that doesn't happen, they can the project and lay people off. (Hello!! Clinical trials take many years to complete!!) Novartis would rather acquire companies that already have products in trials or on the market, strip what they want out of the acquired company, and dump what's left at some devalued price. This is vulture capitalism. Alcon is the latest victim. I guarantee most research projects at Alcon will stop, if they haven't already. Novartis will keep some minimal amount of research going at Alcon just for show. The main showpiece of research at Novartis is NIBR, which spends like crazy and produces very little.

Regarding Chiron, Novartis got it for practically nothing. The acquired the company for 7 billion and sold off the Betaseron business for the same amount. What Novartis got was a pharma group integrated into NIBR (this group has never produced a thing and was always supported by diagnostic profits), very excellent molecular biology technology for vaccines (and Novartis execs STILL don't know that...they simply do not know or do not care!), intellectual property that they let expire (Incredible incompetence!), a great German vaccines company (Behring), a sad Italian vaccines company, very excellent process developers and manufacturing experts that were laid off, and a diagnostics business that is still profitable but Novartis doesn't care.

But they are good vulture capitalists...that they are!!


I work at Alcon and we hate Novartis they and their policies send us back in time they cost us more time with no results is everything they do this backward and messed up

>>>I work at Alcon and we hate Novartis they and their policies send us back in time they cost us more time with no results is everything they do this backward and messed up.<<<

Yes. Novartis is this messed up. All across the company. They are not interested in cutting edge research, product development, or even building a research pipeline. Novartis is a consumer and destroyer. Alcon as you know it no longer exists. It is a source of short term profit, for a few years. Then they will take what they want and spit the rest out.

Novartis is not a research and development company. The people in charge are not interested in developing products, not interestested in new innovative projects, not interested in investing the amount of money needed to carry a research project from initial phase at the lab bench, through process development and into clinical trials. They think it's possible to move something from research to market in 3 to 5 years, and if that doesn't happen, they can the project and lay people off. (Hello!! Clinical trials take many years to complete!!) Novartis would rather acquire companies that already have products in trials or on the market, strip what they want out of the acquired company, and dump what's left at some devalued price. This is vulture capitalism. Alcon is the latest victim. I guarantee most research projects at Alcon will stop, if they haven't already. Novartis will keep some minimal amount of research going at Alcon just for show. The main showpiece of research at Novartis is NIBR, which spends like crazy and produces very little.

Regarding Chiron, Novartis got it for practically nothing. The acquired the company for 7 billion and sold off the Betaseron business for the same amount. What Novartis got was a pharma group integrated into NIBR (this group has never produced a thing and was always supported by diagnostic profits), very excellent molecular biology technology for vaccines (and Novartis execs STILL don't know that...they simply do not know or do not care!), intellectual property that they let expire (Incredible incompetence!), a great German vaccines company (Behring), a sad Italian vaccines company, very excellent process developers and manufacturing experts that were laid off, and a diagnostics business that is still profitable but Novartis doesn't care.

But they are good vulture capitalists...that they are!!


who would have thought...a publicly traded company who's bottom line is creating investor value...

what an idiot you are...Exactly the same for every for profit and many not for profit hypocritical fool


who would have thought...a publicly traded company who's bottom line is creating investor value...

what an idiot you are...Exactly the same for every for profit and many not for profit hypocritical fool

Yup, just like Countrywide Mortgage while they were defrauding both homebuyers and the federal govt by selling fraudulent mortgages. Which we then bailed the entire industry out for doing the same thing.

And yup, just like tobacco companies and how they used to, before regulation, market to children.

These Tea Buggers(ed) have a very practical theory of business.