Novartis executive sold shares before drug data manipulation made public


Who was this Vas?
An unnamed Novartis executive sold 925,400 Swiss francs ($946,000) worth of shares less than three weeks before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced data from tests of its gene therapy Zolgensma had been manipulated.


Who was this Vas?
An unnamed Novartis executive sold 925,400 Swiss francs ($946,000) worth of shares less than three weeks before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced data from tests of its gene therapy Zolgensma had been manipulated.

Well this sure doesn’t help the situation or regain trust of the public ! Whoever this person is will they be reprimanded ? Maybe it was Fabrice ? So let me get this straight ... we can get fired for making a fake call, even if it’s a mistake, fired for a text , reprimanded to retaliation or a non compliant program that you may or may not have had any control over but data manipulation and insider trading is OK ? I’m confused .

Well this sure doesn’t help the situation or regain trust of the public ! Whoever this person is will they be reprimanded ? Maybe it was Fabrice ? So let me get this straight ... we can get fired for making a fake call, even if it’s a mistake, fired for a text , reprimanded to retaliation or a non compliant program that you may or may not have had any control over but data manipulation and insider trading is OK ? I’m confused .

Rep mistake = making up calls bc you are held to unrealistic KPI goals ... fired

Exec level = insider trading, data manipulation, fabricating numbers ... no penalty ...

Rep mistake = making up calls bc you are held to unrealistic KPI goals ... fired

Exec level = insider trading, data manipulation, fabricating numbers ... no penalty ...
This is the case in all areas of the org for lower management below D. An assumption regarding someone without confirmation from the employee, a callous comment by personnel at previous employment, jealously, feeling of superiority, herding and grouping driving dedicated people out, classify someone as what they are not without ever giving the benefit of doubt, you can be worthless but you have to be in a group to denigrate the person you want out. The herd agrees and we also spoke to the rats everywhere regarding you. All in agreement. HR overdrive. Nod nod nod by management and you are out out out.