Novartis Chairman attends Bilderberg meeting


Well, well. It all begins to make sense now. Wonder how many thousands of layoffs he will commit to in this meeting. Novartians, better read up on this Bilderberg group. These massive layoffs aren't happening by chance.

as you have have noticed, there are also participants from Greece. Dan is in good company. Every family meeting needs some losers

Well, well. It all begins to make sense now. Wonder how many thousands of layoffs he will commit to in this meeting. Novartians, better read up on this Bilderberg group. These massive layoffs aren't happening by chance.

I heard all high-ranking Novartis leaders are actually Illuminati and pull the strings for all healthcare related activities world-wide..... run for the hills Cletus!!!! Those damn Free-Masons and their funny hats will ruin us ALL.

I heard all high-ranking Novartis leaders are actually Illuminati and pull the strings for all healthcare related activities world-wide..... run for the hills Cletus!!!! Those damn Free-Masons and their funny hats will ruin us ALL.

Mock if you must, but consider this: Most likely DV is not there because he is a puppetmaster pulling the strings of internationational governments and mega corporations. More likely, he was "summoned" by some of those banking/financial types that are in attendance. If the big banks call due on some of the toxic assets that NVS is likely invested in up to the hilt (like all other large corporations) then it's GAME OVER for thousands more Novartis employees. Wake up and see the big picture. Take the red pill.

Mock if you must, but consider this: Most likely DV is not there because he is a puppetmaster pulling the strings of internationational governments and mega corporations. More likely, he was "summoned" by some of those banking/financial types that are in attendance. If the big banks call due on some of the toxic assets that NVS is likely invested in up to the hilt (like all other large corporations) then it's GAME OVER for thousands more Novartis employees. Wake up and see the big picture. Take the red pill.

Conspiracy theorists so consistently crack me up.... thanks for the laughs my friend. LOOK.... It's Big Foot!!!

Conspiracy theorists so consistently crack me up.... thanks for the laughs my friend. LOOK.... It's Big Foot!!!

What is your evidence and proof to back up your claim that the Bilderberg Group is just a conspiracy theory? So are you saying that there is no such thing and no meeting exists? Do you know anything about the history of this organization and why they meet? Don't just start your childish name calling and dismiss something entirely without looking at the facts and evidence.

Have you ever heard of the Euro? Do you think that might have an effect on the global economy? Well, one thing you might want to know is that it was actually created by The Bilderberg Group as well as many other things that affect the entire world. So before you go watch your gladiatorial bread and circus event today, why don't you open up google and do a little research and educate yourself.

The Bilderberg group is bad news. They are the globalists that want a one wordl order and economy with one bank. This is the ultimate goal and the only way they can succeed is by breaking down America and our economic system by transforming all this into a global world power. This is all bad news and will never work. The only thing this will accomplish is world poverty and socialism but then they do not care because they will have all the wealth and power. Bill Clinton, the Bushes, George Soros, and other world leaders are members of this crazy evil group. God help us.

"Dr" Danny Weasela is there to rub sholders with the high and mighty as he thinks he is. He also goes to Davos every year and one year he took a piss with then prez Clinton and chatted with him while they were doing it. So this asshole will be at any meeting worth his "greatness". By the way if any of you, micro assholes ever rub sholders with him, he will insist you call him "Danny". That is the truth and I know it first hand. Just don't hold his hose as he did Clinton's after the prez refused to hold his, if you meet him in the WC (as washrooms marked in Euro).