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Nothing to be thankful for when working for Lilly

I am so tired of hearing about how no other industries have the same benefits as pharma and Lilly. I left 5 months ago and went to another industry as a sales rep and almost nothing changed! My salary is almost the same, my fleet car is still PHH, my insurance is still BCBS PPO but lower deductible, my commission checks are bigger and we still have a President's Council (although not called that). Lilly and pharma have you guys brainwashed that no other companies offer the same benefits! Why don't you do some research yourself and find out. Crazy that so many people just assume that other companies don't pay well or offer their employees benefits. My vacation days dropped a little bit but I love going to work everyday and actually sell for a living. Can any of you say that with a straight face? Heard about Neri....seriously sorry about that. Please do yourself a favor and research other companies (I work for a Fortune 500 company) before you assume you can't do any better.

OP here. It is in the transportation field but not federal government.

I am so tired of hearing about how no other industries have the same benefits as pharma and Lilly. I left 5 months ago and went to another industry as a sales rep and almost nothing changed! My salary is almost the same, my fleet car is still PHH, my insurance is still BCBS PPO but lower deductible, my commission checks are bigger and we still have a President's Council (although not called that). Lilly and pharma have you guys brainwashed that no other companies offer the same benefits! Why don't you do some research yourself and find out. Crazy that so many people just assume that other companies don't pay well or offer their employees benefits. My vacation days dropped a little bit but I love going to work everyday and actually sell for a living. Can any of you say that with a straight face? Heard about Neri....seriously sorry about that. Please do yourself a favor and research other companies (I work for a Fortune 500 company) before you assume you can't do any better.

I left right after the realignment and found a great job in the computer/semi-conductor industry. There are great jobs out there but you really do have to spend a lot of time looking. I only looked at Fortune 500 companies and most had comparable benefits. Lilly does seem to offer more vacation days though.

I'll be thankful when I secure another job and write my FU resignation letter after 20 years. This company S***

You will feel amazing! When I gave my notice, I felt like a 50lb weight was lifted off my back. Everything seemed clearer! It is not that the job is difficult, it simply is not the same job I had interviewed 9 yrs ago. The period of bringing value to my customers was gone and all that was left was a stressful, toxic and unrealistic setting of quotas with measurements including a ridiculous survey taken from a tiny percentage of thousands of doctors. I really feel for all of you. There was A LOT of talented, intelligent and motivated people who are not being put to good use. I get paid waaaay less, but also find myself spending waaaay less because I am not bored and unhappy.

Please, we're desperate. Throw us a bone. Give us a clue. What industry are you in?

I am a Special Attendant to His Hugeness. I feed him his "little snacks" now and then, among them, two jumbo Big Gulp Slurpee cups filled with nacho cheese and tethered to each other with 240 bacon strips fashioned into a giant bow. Shellacked with a SlimJim style jus, and topped with a dollop of smoked cafeteria leavings

I am a Special Attendant to His Hugeness. I feed him his "little snacks" now and then, among them, two jumbo Big Gulp Slurpee cups filled with nacho cheese and tethered to each other with 240 bacon strips fashioned into a giant bow. Shellacked with a SlimJim style jus, and topped with a dollop of smoked cafeteria leavings

Now THAT'S the Gift that keeps on givin'!

Nah the gift that keeps on givin' is relocating someone from a GREAT place to Indy which is a DISMAL place then jettisoning them when it's in the shareholder's interests.. Just sayin:-;

Indy is not dismal. Anyone who says that has either never been there, taken psychotic drugs for a lost mind or been a social recluse and expected everything to be served up to them.

Indy is not dismal. Anyone who says that has either never been there, taken psychotic drugs for a lost mind or been a social recluse and expected everything to be served up to them.

No, just the pipeline is dismal thanks to the puppy uppers so widely in use by 1/2 of the workforce.

And the doggy downers used by the other 1/2.

Sorry to sugar coat this for you honey. You are so sweet yet so land-locked in a sea of misery