Not paying Bills

Are you still drinking holiday egg nog?

Is your financial situation a delusion to you? They aren’t paying the entire Salesforce livable income.

Maybe your mortgage company is more lenient than most? Because last I checked, the monthly income post tax isn’t a livable income here in the US and far below industry pay.

Enjoy the nog and company koolaid.

Go get a new job and move on. Your repeated posts are hilarious as 90% of this thread is you replying to yourself.

Be a leader, grow up, quit slinging mud and MOVE ON!

Last I checked - these jokers were recruiting highly tenured reps, non disclosing actual compensation- and paying on a joke of a comp plan that In reality maxes out at $75- and $85 k if you play BS games. They hire
However tenured reps making double that and being them down to a hard to live on wage. Be mad that I said that, I really don’t care. That job overpromised, underdelivered and the pay was not sustainable.

Post #22, 23 & 24 by the same disgruntled employee on NYE/NYD.

Exactly how I envision ringing in the new year.


what exactly is your issue? Some people are ticked over the income- and that’s fair game bc it it far below industry standard, and not sustainable income for a family. Perhaps others exploring employment here need to know their income is likely cut in half (I hadn’t made this since 2001 and that pay went further back then). Perspective employees also need to know bc they recruit us with loads of tenure and suddenly we are struggling to get by. That’s very fair to say. A tenured Medical sales rep makes 130k+. When a company hires, doesn’t disclose compensation, and creates financial havoc on a home due to unlivable income- I’m sorry, that needs to be told.

to the poster attempting to naysay- thank you for stopping.

Tactics were employed with the most recent new hire class in which the comp plan was very much danced around for each one of us and we compared notes. That is not acceptable as we saw income come in far below anything we had seen. It was very unacceptable on their part. It created more wreckage in some homes than others (ie dual income homes). Mine was single income and after waiting 8 months bc of the arrearage- I was expecting to be comfortable again after robbing Peter to pay Paul for the first 8 mos. the opposite happened. It was honestly devastating because before this happened, I was telling everyone this was my favorite job ever. And it was. You can’t keep saying that however when what’s coming in isn’t covering living costs, remotely. Was the worst. No one wants to do a full career search, especially out of need, or let their current employer down while they do- and need something to get them by in that interim.

I wasn’t expecting this remotely and hated
all of it. For my family, and employer.

I get that reimbursement went down, but I was managing a $1.3 mill territory and given the metrics, making over $75k was not going to happen. It created a level of stress I did not need at that point in my
Life. It also made it really hard to give an employer my all.

I don’t know where the money shortfall is-
Plenty of theories exist.

It wasn’t right, and placed my family in a very very difficult situation financially. I wasn’t expecting anything like this.

Of course there’s been resentment and feeling really mislead. Peace out

to the poster attempting to naysay- thank you for stopping.

Tactics were employed with the most recent new hire class in which the comp plan was very much danced around for each one of us and we compared notes. That is not acceptable as we saw income come in far below anything we had seen. It was very unacceptable on their part. It created more wreckage in some homes than others (ie dual income homes). Mine was single income and after waiting 8 months bc of the arrearage- I was expecting to be comfortable again after robbing Peter to pay Paul for the first 8 mos. the opposite happened. It was honestly devastating because before this happened, I was telling everyone this was my favorite job ever. And it was. You can’t keep saying that however when what’s coming in isn’t covering living costs, remotely. Was the worst. No one wants to do a full career search, especially out of need, or let their current employer down while they do- and need something to get them by in that interim.

I wasn’t expecting this remotely and hated
all of it. For my family, and employer.

I get that reimbursement went down, but I was managing a $1.3 mill territory and given the metrics, making over $75k was not going to happen. It created a level of stress I did not need at that point in my
Life. It also made it really hard to give an employer my all.

I don’t know where the money shortfall is-
Plenty of theories exist.

It wasn’t right, and placed my family in a very very difficult situation financially. I wasn’t expecting anything like this.

Of course there’s been resentment and feeling really mislead. Peace out

Then get a new job dummy...

oh and BTW... way to post your salary in a public forum... I’m sure your next employer will now be happy to reference the info your dumb ass posted in here and you’ll be making 65k again...

Your dumb... why would you take a job where they ‘danced’ around the comp plan... sounds like your fault for taking the job.

no wonder they’re only paying you 65k

In case anyone was actually wanting to have a financially sustainable job that works here. You CAN and the opportunity to do so. Genova is fresh outta college income. Do it for a year- THEN- get out and actually pay your bills. ‍♀️