Sr mgmt doesn"t care about the turnover. They will use it to blame for the underperformance and save their own hides.
Good! Don't let the door hit you on the way out...this company will never miss you. Oh and if you think it is different or better somewhere else you're mistaken. Nobody is hiring quitters or runners that couldn't cut it. And don't tell us about all of your previous wins and track's all smoke and mirrors. Every unemployed hopeful has won something in thier career by now. What you won't hide is the feeling that you made a huge mistake. You walked away from a real job that just got too big for your skill set. they will see that in your interview as clear as the tie shaped like a noose around your neck. Before you convince yourself you mattered, know that nobody is worried about you stealing customers away. NVS has a bull pen of lawyers that handle nothing but noncompete claims. So go ahead and tell your spouse to pack up the kids and sell the house because your boss is too mean to you. Where are you "really" going to go?? Nowhere! there isnt anyone paying $175k to people anymore. starting comp plans are way down regardless of your history. Yes, you are starting over. By the way, hope is not a method, so you'd better have a really good plan.