North Central RMBD

The NC has always been a joke. How many times can we switch roles and titles and quotas and job descriptions and sales models before someone figures out it's the LEADERSHIP that needs to change? If we have a problem, the solution is to always give us a new name. You're the CS today, the SME tomorrow, the SDE next Thursday, the TM next month. Eventually you forget what the hell you were hired to do.

The NC has always been a joke. How many times can we switch roles and titles and quotas and job descriptions and sales models before someone figures out it's the LEADERSHIP that needs to change? If we have a problem, the solution is to always give us a new name. You're the CS today, the SME tomorrow, the SDE next Thursday, the TM next month. Eventually you forget what the hell you were hired to do.

It's their way of trying to camouflage what's really wrong with the NC. As long as they are showing movement, reorganizing, rearranging and "strategizing", no one will notice how bad leadership truly sucks.

The NC has always been a joke. How many times can we switch roles and titles and quotas and job descriptions and sales models before someone figures out it's the LEADERSHIP that needs to change? If we have a problem, the solution is to always give us a new name. You're the CS today, the SME tomorrow, the SDE next Thursday, the TM next month. Eventually you forget what the hell you were hired to do.

I agree. Does anyone know if other divisions operate this way? Just curious how others operate. NC is so twisted.

Who is in charge of the reps, I hear only about 4 of about 24 are hitting their numbers. If that is the case how does this person has a job or is not on a plan, they have to go

Wait, isn't NC where Traci B. came from to the West Division? We are told she had it all under control in NC. Then she brings in Michelle M. Who we have had before. Traci tells you what you want to hear, Michelle has her girls or men who bow down like a girl, all the weakest bunch of people that lack real experience. If you aren't part of the besties club you are ignored or talked to worse than a dog. Anyone who might have the guts to stand up to either Traci or Michelle either walked on their own or was fired. Now the leadership is full of "yes" people and there is straight up chaos in the field. We never have Sales meetings where we practice selling strategies, or how to better identify discretionary business in our territories, or break into small groups and pick from a bowl a subject and do a three minute roll play. It was fun and we learned when we did this. Plus, we had new business. Do either of these women really understand selling strategies? It's hard to figure out if there inappropriate demeanor is because they are too confident in a territory they are completely inept. Or, if they understand they are inept, and they lack confidence. If it's the previous someone needs to knock them down a peg or two. If it's the later they need to shed the self importance and get out in the field with the Reps. and pound the pavement and learn a thing or two about this delegated market. Either way, they are not as good as they think they are, not to us their team who should feel invested in our leadership, or the clients who should feel invested in us as their laboratory partner.

Re: North Central

Are there any updates on how we are doing as a region? are we short, close or hitting it out of the ballpark? I hear not close, just worried in case they start to RIF.

Who is in charge of the reps, I hear only about 4 of about 24 are hitting their numbers. If that is the case how does this person has a job or is not on a plan, they have to go