Is he really related to Dave King? Must be since he has no lab experience.
Is he really related to Dave King? Must be since he has no lab experience.
Are you talking about Keith K. ?
Is he really related to Dave King? Must be since he has no lab experience.
Hopefully the person will start off with firing every St Louis reps and just starting.over. By far the biggest bunch of incompetent idiots in the country.
The company is a complete joke. The leadership group is collectively one of the most unqualified and unimpressive groups of people I've ever seen. If you want to work for a company that is run by med techs then this is the place. They will lie to you about your compensation and on top of that it is impossible to meet your goals. There is absolutely no training and even less support. Quest will eat your lunch when it comes to service and overall quality. Most of the people in management have no clue how to sell. Operations is even a bigger joke. Customer service is rude to your clients and be prepared to do everything for your customers. This is the only company I've ever worked for where I had to call my own customer support to get answers. Did I mention that the management team has no concept of how it works in the real world? If your operations team somehow manages to actually pick the tests up and process it correctly more than likely billing will screw it up. Unless this is your ONLY option for a place to work I would suggest for you to RUN, not walk, away as fast as you can in the opposite direction. Your specialty reps and other "partners" will stab you in the back for a $dollar of business. But it's not there fault because the comp plan is designed to make you hate your co workers. Did mention how unimpressed you will be with upper management? Be prepared to use sales tools and software that was invented in the early 80s too. The company is so cheap that your meeting has to be across the country in order to fly. Not sure where they spend all their money though because everyone is underpaid and they don't hand our bonus' (except to themselves) Last but not least the upper management team is full of knuckleheads that I wouldn't put in front of my neighbors dog to sell something let alone a valued customer.
The company is a complete joke. The leadership group is collectively one of the most unqualified and unimpressive groups of people I've ever seen. If you want to work for a company that is run by med techs then this is the place. They will lie to you about your compensation and on top of that it is impossible to meet your goals. There is absolutely no training and even less support. Quest will eat your lunch when it comes to service and overall quality. Most of the people in management have no clue how to sell. Operations is even a bigger joke. Customer service is rude to your clients and be prepared to do everything for your customers. This is the only company I've ever worked for where I had to call my own customer support to get answers. Did I mention that the management team has no concept of how it works in the real world? If your operations team somehow manages to actually pick the tests up and process it correctly more than likely billing will screw it up. Unless this is your ONLY option for a place to work I would suggest for you to RUN, not walk, away as fast as you can in the opposite direction. Your specialty reps and other "partners" will stab you in the back for a $dollar of business. But it's not there fault because the comp plan is designed to make you hate your co workers. Did mention how unimpressed you will be with upper management? Be prepared to use sales tools and software that was invented in the early 80s too. The company is so cheap that your meeting has to be across the country in order to fly. Not sure where they spend all their money though because everyone is underpaid and they don't hand our bonus' (except to themselves) Last but not least the upper management team is full of knuckleheads that I wouldn't put in front of my neighbors dog to sell something let alone a valued customer.
You're exactly right. The sales director MM has zero leadership skills whatsoever. Taking credit of what Kip set up when he was here. Now we have the NC lady who doesn't have a clue about the California market. It's a mess out here. We need leaders who motivate...not intimidate. Clients are leaving because we can't get an interface running, Beacon sucks, pricing takes for ages. Who's the clever managed care person who missed out promoting CoveredCa to docs? Zero sales aids. Quest owns these folks. We're not on the website but Quest is? Complete mess with a bunch of clowns. I'm out of the circus. This job is a used car lot. Time to go back to Quest I guess. Much better than this f'ed up place.
The company is a complete joke. The leadership group is collectively one of the most unqualified and unimpressive groups of people I've ever seen. If you want to work for a company that is run by med techs then this is the place. They will lie to you about your compensation and on top of that it is impossible to meet your goals. There is absolutely no training and even less support. Quest will eat your lunch when it comes to service and overall quality. Most of the people in management have no clue how to sell. Operations is even a bigger joke. Customer service is rude to your clients and be prepared to do everything for your customers. This is the only company I've ever worked for where I had to call my own customer support to get answers. Did I mention that the management team has no concept of how it works in the real world? If your operations team somehow manages to actually pick the tests up and process it correctly more than likely billing will screw it up. Unless this is your ONLY option for a place to work I would suggest for you to RUN, not walk, away as fast as you can in the opposite direction. Your specialty reps and other "partners" will stab you in the back for a $dollar of business. But it's not there fault because the comp plan is designed to make you hate your co workers. Did mention how unimpressed you will be with upper management? Be prepared to use sales tools and software that was invented in the early 80s too. The company is so cheap that your meeting has to be across the country in order to fly. Not sure where they spend all their money though because everyone is underpaid and they don't hand our bonus' (except to themselves) Last but not least the upper management team is full of knuckleheads that I wouldn't put in front of my neighbors dog to sell something let alone a valued customer.