Nor Cal DBL

if the me too clan wants a man gone - director manager or tbm they will take them out. Why is hr not doing anything against these 4 evil girls . It’s not okay that they are ganging yo against men. A lawsuit is coming Alkermes way if they don’t get rid of these 4. Especially Sarah the ring leader.

not all that dumb actually. Was able to transfer out of Nor Cal and move to CO although Nor Cal was at the bottom of the nation. Woot Woot will soon get the boot boot and that will be a hoot!

WO isn’t dumb she’s just extremely condescending. She acts nice to someone’s face and talks trash behind their back. I’ve heard it and seen it. She’s manipulating and not a person who should be trusted. Don’t let her quiet personality fool you. She is simply not a nice person and acts like she’s better than all of us which makes us laugh because she was dead last as a manager her entire career here. How was she never pushed out? Oh yes Sarah protected her and plotted to get mike fired. Watch out people

WO isn’t dumb she’s just extremely condescending. She acts nice to someone’s face and talks trash behind their back. I’ve heard it and seen it. She’s manipulating and not a person who should be trusted. Don’t let her quiet personality fool you. She is simply not a nice person and acts like she’s better than all of us which makes us laugh because she was dead last as a manager her entire career here. How was she never pushed out? Oh yes Sarah protected her and plotted to get mike fired. Watch out people

Well said and very true. Incompetent leader and horrible person. Birds of a feather flock together. Hopefully they will soon be sent packing

check around and do your homework. Low performing district and culture of complaining. If that’s your cup of tea go for it Pipeline is questionable.

Oh boy sounds like a disaster, I’ll ask around. Thanks for the heads up as I have other interviews with other companies and didn’t hear back from alkermes yet but wanted to check (glad I did).

replacemntnDBlnset up by repnwith help
Of previous leader and fired. That person was trying to elevate and revive the Nor Cal district which has had no pulse for 3’years or longer. God help the person who steps into this shithole called Nor Cal