Non LDS Need Not Apply

First of all, the plates are with the angel Moroni and will not be returned to Earth. As far as Dave R hiring nothing but LDS, yes our religion encourages it. We have a dedicated website ( Dave knows members of the LDS religion share his values and we deserve to get preference for all job openings. I am glad to see Dave is in and advanced role in the organization. If you do not share out values or beliefs, maybe YOU should leave the organization. We are here to stay!!!

Well Said!!

Sun needs to model it's values after the LDS religion and we wouldn't be in the mess we are in. I too am in complete agreement that Dave R is spot on in giving LDS members favored advancement. I am fine with "Sun has gone Mormon"

Well Said!!

Sun needs to model it's values after the LDS religion and we wouldn't be in the mess we are in. I too am in complete agreement that Dave R is spot on in giving LDS members favored advancement. I am fine with "Sun has gone Mormon"

What the hell is this bullshit? Has everyone in this company lost their damn mind?

Well Said!!

Sun needs to model it's values after the LDS religion and we wouldn't be in the mess we are in. I too am in complete agreement that Dave R is spot on in giving LDS members favored advancement. I am fine with "Sun has gone Mormon"

Why not? Nothing else has worked for Ilumya, including the sales team. Might as well look to a intergallactic religion. The key question is on a loss, does the LDS pay back 15% to the money loser. If yes, do this immediately.

First of all, the plates are with the angel Moroni and will not be returned to Earth. As far as Dave R hiring nothing but LDS, yes our religion encourages it. We have a dedicated website ( Dave knows members of the LDS religion share his values and we deserve to get preference for all job openings. I am glad to see Dave is in and advanced role in the organization. If you do not share out values or beliefs, maybe YOU should leave the organization. We are here to stay!!!

Spoken like a true member of a cult , heads up home boy , look on youtube ( if you are allowed by your bishop ) & you will see that your own have been taping inside your temple !! O my , bakers hats , weird movies , even weirder group kneeing and chants . Knock of the nail or whatever , temple name being "sweetchildofmine " , dude it's crazy . Is Dave's " temple " name SUNNY-SUN-BERG ? It's amazing any human with even a age like brain could believe this nonsense .

The Angel Moron isn't coming back , he found coffee & stayed at starbucks