non-compete clause

I'm a rep just like you, however I firmly believe that just because someone treats me poorly doesn't mean I have to return the favor. I will be judged for my actions on this earth and they will be judged for their actions. I am fully responsible for my own actions and they are responsible for their actions. The people who you badmouth sign your paycheck on pay day. If not for them how would you put food on the table? Haven't you ever heard of don't bite the hand that feeds you? No company is perfect Be glad you have a job. Many people in this world don't have it as good as you do.

Right, the old line "just be happy you have your health, or your job..." You fill in the blank... Listen up folks and DVMR those days are over and many companies are taking progressive steps forward to make a work life more enjoyable and realistic... The day of just be happy you have a job is over that was Dale Carnegie days, days of the Industrial Revolution when unemployement numbers ranged in the 30-40%... Now its what, under 4 or 5%...

Give me a break

If you did compete against your former company and violated your non compete and used their information to do so, like took lists of customers or something from them, you could be committing a felony of grand larceny punishable by jail time.

grand larceny
n. the crime of theft of another's property (including money) over a certain value (for example, $500), as distinguished from petty (or petit) larceny in which the value is below the grand larceny limit. Some states only recognize the crime of larceny, but draw the line between a felony (punishable by state prison time) and a misdemeanor (local jail and/or fine) based on the value of the loot.

I sure MM went running over to your office ( legal )and asked you to reply about non competes.

Anyway, yesterday a clinic was hammering me about our screw-ups and I directed them straight to this web site. Actually, they thought they had it bad doing business with us, now they are seeing what we go through on a daily basis. It did draw a good crowd in the office as well.

Legal, please reply to let us know if it is alright to show clinics cafe pharmas website and what DVMR reputation in the industry is?

I sure MM went running over to your office ( legal )and asked you to reply about non competes.

Anyway, yesterday a clinic was hammering me about our screw-ups and I directed them straight to this web site. Actually, they thought they had it bad doing business with us, now they are seeing what we go through on a daily basis. It did draw a good crowd in the office as well.

Legal, please reply to let us know if it is alright to show clinics cafe pharmas website and what DVMR reputation in the industry is?

That would not be recommended since your paycheck comes from DVMR. Your job is to enhance the company, not to hurt it.

Should we be embarassed by what is on this site?

Everything I read here seems be tell a lot about the company and how its ran.

I have nothing to hide from my customers!!

If you did compete against your former company and violated your non compete and used their information to do so, like took lists of customers or something from them, you could be committing a felony of grand larceny punishable by jail time.

grand larceny
n. the crime of theft of another's property (including money) over a certain value (for example, $500), as distinguished from petty (or petit) larceny in which the value is below the grand larceny limit. Some states only recognize the crime of larceny, but draw the line between a felony (punishable by state prison time) and a misdemeanor (local jail and/or fine) based on the value of the loot.

Here is what I love about DVMR. They have been using WinZip for free since they began. We all know WinZip is not FREE, but for DVM they seem to be above and beyond any rules or regulations. They can tell others what to do but nobody can tell them ( because their never around) Good thing DVM was reported to WinZip, ( I know they were) Being a public traded company I can't believe they feel they above the law. They deservr to pay. What was so hard about sending the pricebook as an attatchment in the first place. LETS HEAR ABOUT GRAND LARCENY AGAIN DVMR

I've never heard of this- a non-compete clause. I've seen DVM jobs listed in my region before. Does this mean you can't work in the industry at all for 18 months if you quit or if they fire you? Either? Just curious as to how they could keep you from working if you didn't leave the company on your own.

not to worry, dvmr never fires anyone, good people get hired by better company's and the dead beats get acknowledge as "shinning stars". absolute joke, most of us wish the company would just go bankrupt so we'd be out of our non-competes.

I heard DVMR is in some trouble with the SEC for lying about their earnings. That, plus they owe a huge balloon payment on some loans. They aren't in the best shape financially, no matter what MM or any of his spineless henchmen tell you.

I heard DVMR is in some trouble with the SEC for lying about their earnings. That, plus they owe a huge balloon payment on some loans. They aren't in the best shape financially, no matter what MM or any of his spineless henchmen tell you.

Sounds like that is coming from an old employee that spends more time looking
into the company than he did out selling for himself or the company.

Sounds like that is coming from an old employee that spends more time looking
into the company than he did out selling for himself or the company.

the reply sounds like the rm in the se that does nothing for the reps other than throw them under the bus. the rm is the one posting about the numbers and then replies to his own posts.

the reply sounds like the rm in the se that does nothing for the reps other than throw them under the bus. the rm is the one posting about the numbers and then replies to his own posts.

Ha ha! Amen! And don't forget the excellent grammatical skills he displays in all of his emails... that is when he isn't just just forwarding the Jeffrey Gitomer newsletter!

Ha ha! Amen! And don't forget the excellent grammatical skills he displays in all of his emails... that is when he isn't just just forwarding the Jeffrey Gitomer newsletter!

I have no problem letting you know when I am on here.
Thank you to the manufacture rep who called me today to tell me
About this. I am sure you will see this. It sounds like you are on here
often. All I can say is action speaks louder than words. For the record I can't spell
Never said I could.
As for throwing anyone under the bus. I really question that. I think if you call any of
the reps and hear what I say and see the emails I send out thanking each and everyone
of them for all they do for me. I will tell whomever wrote this I am as loyal to you as you are to me. I am not the one who posted something without atleast giving a hint of who I was. So again I question your statement. I also who is throwing who under the bus because my ribs hurt.
Oh to all I am sorry for all the miss spelled words above. Please fill free to make fun of me. I am sure that will make everyone feel better.

Ha ha! Amen! And don't forget the excellent grammatical skills he displays in all of his emails... that is when he isn't just just forwarding the Jeffrey Gitomer newsletter!

If your going to call someone out on grammatical errors on here at least proof read your own reply before hitting submit. As for the statement about throwing people under the bus, I am not sure who would need to throw any DVMR reps located in the Sunshine State under b/c you've been doing it to yourselves for years now.

The Jeffrey Gittomer comment.....Thats pretty damn funny right there, maybe your RM is trying to get you to quit being so damn lazy and your failing numbers arent sparking you so they are attempting some additional motivational words.

Now, I do know that if this RM is Mr. Fraser or Boccio your reffering to I would probably quit your bitching bc I don't think any of you want your old boss back. I hear Scarberry may be available for a return though if you really want that.

This is getting to be as good as when BM left...that was some crazy shit to read each morning

If your going to call someone out on grammatical errors on here at least proof read your own reply before hitting submit. As for the statement about throwing people under the bus, I am not sure who would need to throw any DVMR reps located in the Sunshine State under b/c you've been doing it to yourselves for years now.

The Jeffrey Gittomer comment.....Thats pretty damn funny right there, maybe your RM is trying to get you to quit being so damn lazy and your failing numbers arent sparking you so they are attempting some additional motivational words.

Now, I do know that if this RM is Mr. Fraser or Boccio your reffering to I would probably quit your bitching bc I don't think any of you want your old boss back. I hear Scarberry may be available for a return though if you really want that.

This is getting to be as good as when BM left...that was some crazy shit to read each morning

Funny how it always goes back to Scarberry, even after all this time- way to deflect! Gotta love the dynamic of DVMR= field reps hate field managers, field managers hate inside sales manager, inside sales manager hates everyone, inside reps hate everyone, everyone hates equipment manager, everyone hates MM. This truly is an inspiring company.

So a pack of smokes & cologne?

It has been months since any current or former DVMR employees have called me regarding my name or in this case initials being referenced on this complaint board...for the record, ALL I HAVE EVER DONE IS SUPPORT C.F. and his efforts to make change within the DVMR organization. I have defended the spewing of negativity that have been directed towards him. I had considered CF to be a friend, however it appears that the organization WILL NOT permit current employees to remain friends with former employees, even outside of the work place; again speaks to the morals, ethics and integrity of this organization.

I have MOVED on and really wish that both current and former (you know who you are) will cease and desist referring to BM on this board...I was told by MORE than one employee this matter was discussed at a regional meeting. BM is exactly that a freakin BM, so PLEASE flush me down the toilet. AND FOR THE RECORD: I DO NOT WEAR I may smell like smoke or a BM, but never smell of cologne...don't wear it:).

I also now work in a position that entails 12-14 hours per day and traveling to the southern most part of the state; I don not have time, nor will I return to this board to view posts unless DVMR employees, both present and past STOP calling to let me know what is posted on this lousy complaining, whining and excuses board. For those of you still with DVMR in the SE, your RSM will go to management to express and relay your issues, so why not have those conversations with him. CF IS there to assist you all, CF WANTS you all to succeed, that is how HE GET PAID for crying out loud. NOW GO DO YOUR JOBS and quit your BS...remember as my wife always says...WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.

Now I need to go and sell some Trifexes, Vectra3D, Novartis, BIVI, etc...products, in the BIG BOX I fill every day...lots of miles and lots of sales. McDonalds is not where I prefer to be at 11:25 in the morning!!!