I'm a rep just like you, however I firmly believe that just because someone treats me poorly doesn't mean I have to return the favor. I will be judged for my actions on this earth and they will be judged for their actions. I am fully responsible for my own actions and they are responsible for their actions. The people who you badmouth sign your paycheck on pay day. If not for them how would you put food on the table? Haven't you ever heard of don't bite the hand that feeds you? No company is perfect Be glad you have a job. Many people in this world don't have it as good as you do.
Right, the old line "just be happy you have your health, or your job..." You fill in the blank... Listen up folks and DVMR those days are over and many companies are taking progressive steps forward to make a work life more enjoyable and realistic... The day of just be happy you have a job is over that was Dale Carnegie days, days of the Industrial Revolution when unemployement numbers ranged in the 30-40%... Now its what, under 4 or 5%...
Give me a break