Nominations for the worst manager of 2014 are....

It doesn't matter. Working for Olympus robs your soul each and every day.

All the higher ups feel it everyday when they have to look at themselves in the mirror.

What a fucking cess pool!

Yes you have hit the nail on the head. The incompetent do not lead Ed Chadwick, they manage through fear and spreadsheets.
Don't you higher ups at Olympus ever see how useless you actually are? You draw these extremely large salaries and do nothing to move the business forward.


Just got off the phone with my AVP.
Reorganization is happening sometime in January. Details are iffy on when the company will announce. Earnings are WAY off. Japan is not happy with OCA.

Just got off the phone with my AVP.
Reorganization is happening sometime in January. Details are iffy on when the company will announce. Earnings are WAY off. Japan is not happy with OCA.
You are totally wrong! There is no reorganization and Japan is pleased with OCA. In every townhall that has been shared with all employees by the CFO Pierre, profit is very strong and ahead of the profit target. Nice try...

Like Olympus hasn't way overstated false earnings in the past. You all are a bunch of god damned criminals. How do you live with yourselves? You are so fucking corrupt. The stock is at $34 in a market where the Dow is 20,000. It doesn't take rocket scientist to see that you are a discredited lying bastard!

Eat shit Olympus

THE Eagle , Sean or The Gopher (Tanner ) Toss them all up and take a pick . THE MAIN THING IS FOR YOU to either be accountable, or pay us more to sell. You 3 have created a division with no trust , none of us respect you !

We all laugh at you assholes who still continue to sell for Olympus. What a bunch of idiots! Stryker continues to blow you pieces of shit out of the water with our video products. Docs are done doing business with Olympus.

The Japs sent death threats to Woodford & his family. The Japs were defiant after killing many many people with their 180 scope. Olympus hid Billions in losses.
That says it all right there baby.
Paying off doctors everywhere.
Let's hear management dispute that.
Fucking loser assholes!!!

Not to mention the 1 billion $ DOJ Fine. The biggest in Medical Device history for being the crooks that they are. Olympus settled, because the legal outcome for actually moving forward would have been closing the doors permanently. Did I forget to mention illegally purchasing Gyrus in the Caymans? How about RVP pay to play programs on the west coast? Should I keep going, or do you believe Pierre and Sales Ops Dick with their claims of financial profitability? Fuck those corporate dildos.

Scum of the Earth!

PS> Punitive damages going to the families for all of the deaths to be sentenced shortly.
Stay tuned.

I truly think it's pathetic how much you fucking reps bitch about your jobs, but you never leave!!!
You are like an old house that has infested roaches that the Orkin man just can clean out.
We could pay you losers 1% to sell our products and you would stay and still work here.
Don't think that's not coming in the business plan, because it is!!

Any of you feeling strong at this years NSM can kiss my ass!
We will have you arrested if any of you get out of line.

Sales Ops Dick :>)