She probably found a new group of people to make miserable. Pray for them.
She wishes - back to being a rep.
She probably found a new group of people to make miserable. Pray for them.
She wishes - back to being a rep.
She wishes - back to being a rep.
So ready to leave the Tennessee team my stomach stays in knots. It's "Y'all" this and "Y'all" that from my manager, and my teammates are such sukups to her it's sad. I want to just hang up in the middle of every conference call. The reps are being told to come up with something different to grow sales constantly. We all have to pander to her with such hollow "victories" and most of them are made up just to buy time from being looked at. This whole team (what's left of it) is a bunch of worthless sinners. It's not easy for someone like me who is definitely going to heaven.
For the same reasons you aren't. I'm emotionally dead inside because I find this company uninspiring and any idea that I come up with seems to just flop like a wounded duck when I reconsider it. Fear of exposing my angst to others.Why aren't you working on your video for September?
For the same reasons you aren't. I'm emotionally dead inside because I find this company uninspiring and any idea that I come up with seems to just flop like a wounded duck when I reconsider it. Fear of exposing my angst to others.
Any other brainbusters?