Maybe being in the lab business you can enlighten us as to the numerous low cost custom abutment solutions available. Labs I have talked to like Atlantis because they don't have to have one of their more talented people working on abutments.
Agree training general dentists is a valuable asset and Nobel does a good job. Trilobe connection isn't the best but if the surgeon orients the lobes ideally they are easy to restore and that seems to be driving the market even thought the NobelActive is probably a better design. As for clinical ease of use Astra's double hex is a pain in the ass and they need to make it go away. This complaint is damn near legendary but nobody seems to be listening. Besides the abutments are only single hexed so any potential mechanical advantage is lost with the exception being the insertion drivers which are double hexed.
I colored the last part of your post only because it sounds like a typical company response. The points you made are quite valid, but in the big picture of little relavance. The position of anti rotaion features are really inconsequential when you are making custom abutments which is about 80% of the time, and only of minor consequence when using stock abutments.
Just off the top of my head, I can think of a bunch of ISO certified CAD CAM custom abutment/bar resources that are way cheaper the Atlantis, Precera, Etkon or 3i:
Dale: $225 apx
Whip Mix $180 apx $200 apx
GC $199 apx
Preat $199 apx
New Best $180
Inclusive $99
Then, there are some in-house options as well. For example, I can make them on my Lava machine for about $105 each, with my Cercon for about the same, and with my Intelletech for about $85.
So with all of these options, and with each carrying the same, or similar retail price, why would I buy a Procera abutment for example?
Simple. My Nobelbiocare reps help me with marketing, help my doctors by going to visit them when they are having trouble with something, by sponsoring seminars and residency programs with me, and by referring me customers. If I get a NBC case, I'll use Procera abutments most of the time because the rep deserves my support, in exchange for the support he gives me.
With some implants that come in my lab, I'll use whatever parts can give me the most profit, because frankly, I don't know who the rep is, and he obviously doesn't care about my business either.
Adding a milling center isn't going to grow market share in implant sales, and unless you have great relationship with your lab clients it probably won't add incremental sales either.
That boat left the dock already in my humble opinion.
BTW, I do use Atlanist and Etkon when the rep refers me the doctor, otherwise I use the criteria stated above.