No Wonder His Last Name was SMILEY

A piece of “advancing” here at Lilly is definitely contingent on “who you know”. You must have 1 on 1’s with “key” leaders and have strong Sponsors in order to advance.

Most Manager and Director level positions are pretty much decided prior to the formal interview process by the “informal” interview process (ie “who you know” ,”who is your sponsor”.)

This is truth here at Lilly. You need to be good/competent at your current role and have strong “Sponsorship” in order to advance. Great performance doesn’t overcome Great need both.

This “Smiley” situation will continue to exist as long as this dynamic exists here at Lilly.

A piece of “advancing” here at Lilly is definitely contingent on “who you know”. You must have 1 on 1’s with “key” leaders and have strong Sponsors in order to advance.

Most Manager and Director level positions are pretty much decided prior to the formal interview process by the “informal” interview process (ie “who you know” ,”who is your sponsor”.)

This is truth here at Lilly. You need to be good/competent at your current role and have strong “Sponsorship” in order to advance. Great performance doesn’t overcome Great need both.

This “Smiley” situation will continue to exist as long as this dynamic exists here at Lilly.

That is a great analogy is great. The “Smiley” situation! In fact, what does this tell you about the women involved? Something seems very shady about the motive!

The more I read about this issue and read this thread, the more this calls out a mental health issue. I really think this should not be taken lightly! Women who use their bodies to get ahead or promoted is very wrong!

I agree with most of this thread. I really think the women involved really need to understand that they are just as wrong with this as Smiley was. This is the piece that I think is really part of the bigger issue. It seems to be over shadowed by Smileys’s issues and past affairs.

Marketing and sales and clearly finance need to focus on internal ethics.

It seems as though this is a continuous theme with executives appointed by Dave Ricks. They happen to suffer from the power syndrome. They have no power until a title is bestowed on them. Then they manipulate women. At what point is Dave Ricks responsible?

What this article describes is absolutely embedded in the company DNA. People advance by pushing others down instead of on value creation. It's a culture of protecting and advancing the chosen insiders, and making an example of anyone who complains.

I don't think this was entirely this way historically with this company. What do you think these people involved with these scandals see when they look into the mirror everyday?

What this article describes is absolutely embedded in the company DNA. People advance by pushing others down instead of on value creation. It's a culture of protecting and advancing the chosen insiders, and making an example of anyone who complains.

It’s a culture that refuses to admit promoting the wrong people and then doubled down to advance their careers to prove that the “made the right decision” - fuck up move up!