FYI, all settlements contain confidentiality agreements, so no big discovery there. If in fact Castle was violating laws, harassing reps (victim mentality) &/or discriminating against anyone, I would expect to see or hear a lot more evidence of this with complaints filed by big agencies (state &/or federal agencies) not merely cafepharma rhetoric... A simple Google search of any lab on this board will give factual information about real lawsuits (as opposed to the many imaginary lawsuits this forum would have us believe in). A good example would be Calloway labs (since a poster from Calloway was cheeky enough to participate on this board).
Anyway... You said attempted. So since we are to assume you didn't take a settlement, we should be able to find your lawsuit filed in a court rather than merely a complaint that someone mistreated you & so you want Castle to "show you the money".?
Welcome back Robby! You learned some big words, being that this is you first job in the field, you must be buried in the dictionary every night looking up words. Either that, or castle's attorneys are spelling things out for you guys because your inexperience backed you into a corner.