No one left in the Midwest


Hi Midwest rep. I am seriously considering moving to Michigan if I get laid off. I grew up on the great lakes. I was wondering if the access is as poor as it is in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Should I just think of leaving pharma if I come back to the area?

How long have you been a rep in Wis/Minn? I work for Abt and I thought it was just me, but it sounds like it's in your industry as well - what are your main call points?

Plenty are left. Just not BI reps.

I'm a lincare rep and have singlehandedly shut the BI reps out of my territory. Your respiratory med isn't a good fit for my copd patients and I switched all patients from pradaxa back to warfarin and in home testing with mdinr. I'm laughing to the bank and the cocky BI rep who can't sell is updating his resume.

Same d bag that tried to take a few of my lunch meetings and talk about the way I dress. Whose got the last laugh now sample pusher?

You come in our house throwing haymakers first and don't expect us to respond.

Thanks for call me a sample pusher like I suggested. Still taking orders though, now they just come from me.

Some of us can & do sell and produce results, employable results. I sincerely wish you and all of us well.

Just remember you drew first blood, so here's my final order to you...get a mop and clean up your mess.

You come in our house throwing haymakers first and don't expect us to respond.

Thanks for call me a sample pusher like I suggested. Still taking orders though, now they just come from me.

Some of us can & do sell and produce results, employable results. I sincerely wish you and all of us well.

Just remember you drew first blood, so here's my final order to you...get a mop and clean up your mess.

There's no mess in my house but you can't say the same.

It's not the drugs that failed. It's the people that failed to make them successful. Or did you just get beat by the competition?

Employable? Maybe by someone that accepts mediocrity.

There's no mess in my house but you can't say the same.

It's not the drugs that failed. It's the people that failed to make them successful. Or did you just get beat by the competition?

Employable? Maybe by someone that accepts mediocrity.

You should honestly thank me that you got a branded product to sell. I took down you bottom feeders in 2006 when you were illegally mass producing your own meds. We make drugs, you take orders for them, hold the mayo waitress

You should honestly thank me that you got a branded product to sell. I took down you bottom feeders in 2006 when you were illegally mass producing your own meds. We make drugs, you take orders for them, hold the mayo waitress

You make the drugs or do you consider a sample signature a sale?

You go around asking if doctors will take your samples. While I go around and take names of patients that they want to switch off anoro or pradaxa.

Big difference. I single handedly forced the BI rep in my territory out of a job and I am damn proud of it at that!

Bet you were a hell of a hall monitor in high school, your highest level of education. By taking names I thought you were being tough, now I see taking names is taking orders (patients).

Samples are not sales, my results are against quota.

Look dude, we ARE wounded dogs right now, some of us rabid...and you fucking come in here kicking us with "I get 2 brovana a day,". We are gonna bite back and leave a mark. Got 2 beans in my bag for you to juggle, that's an order.

You make the drugs or do you consider a sample signature a sale?

You go around asking if doctors will take your samples. While I go around and take names of patients that they want to switch off anoro or pradaxa.

Big difference. I single handedly forced the BI rep in my territory out of a job and I am damn proud of it at that!

You "take names of patients" ........ever hear of HIPPA laws you ass clown

You "take names of patients" ........ever hear of HIPPA laws you ass clown

I've heard of hipaa but no clue what hippa is is that a female hippo? Kind of like your wife? Haha.

We do follow hipaa but my company supplies the patient the meds so we know who they are dum dum. Here's the difference between me and you. I actually sell and have proof by my patients. You just count on tv ads and samples to do your selling but that's ok you are a dum dum and that is why you are all being laid off.