No NSM???


Watching the webcast. JC says no NSM this year. I am so sad. It is nice that they are rushing thru the awards in about 30 minutes rather than 3 hours in a live event

Watching the webcast. JC says no NSM this year. I am so sad. It is nice that they are rushing thru the awards in about 30 minutes rather than 3 hours in a live event

It was great...viewing the webcast while watching Kentucky BBall and drinking beer. We need more sales meetings like that. No travel, canceled flights, listening to blah blah blah speeches. Great way to start 2015.

Wow - a webcast NSM. A new low and a damn shame. Still some really good people there and always fun to hang out at NSM, except for having to sit through all the windbags repeating the same recycled talks. Glad I'm out. And yes, there is life beyond Zimmer.

You would think with the hundreds of thousands of dollars saved on not having a NSM, they could have given a little more than a taxed $1000 check to the presidents club people...I look forward to the Biomet leadership in this company..def cant be any worse than what we have now...too bad Dvorak didnt choose another CEO to lead us.

You would think with the hundreds of thousands of dollars saved on not having a NSM, they could have given a little more than a taxed $1000 check to the presidents club people...I look forward to the Biomet leadership in this company..def cant be any worse than what we have now...too bad Dvorak didnt choose another CEO to lead us.

Remember a few years ago when JC was told there'd be no awards to Pres Club winners, and he said BS and went out and bought Rolies for everyone himself?? Once great company.

Remember a few years ago when JC was told there'd be no awards to Pres Club winners, and he said BS and went out and bought Rolies for everyone himself?? Once great company.

I think that was the same year everything we made was on backorder and everyone took a commission hit. But management team still cashed in some pretty nice bonuses and a nice dividend check!

I think that was the same year everything we made was on backorder and everyone took a commission hit. But management team still cashed in some pretty nice bonuses and a nice dividend check!

In the immortal words of the then VP of sales, Darryl and Darryl's brother Larry, "Shit happens." Who knew we could take those words to the bank? Truer words have never been spoken at a NSM. Same year, too, I think.

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