to thehairyfiddler
As for your thoughts on wether it was right to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Truman had no other choice. Japan wanted to surrender on their terms, keeping lands that they had conquered, having there own military investigate war crimes that they committed and no occupation from foreign forces. If we didn't drop the bomb and force unconditional surrender we would have invade Japan starting with Kiushu and expected casulaties were 1 mil. +. As for Iraq I can speak first hand about Iraq and Afghanistan. I deployed to Afghanistan in 2002 and Iraq in 2003. It is unfortunated that civillans were injure but it happens in war. The US and NATO are really the only forces that really trys to minimize civillan casulaties. Our enemy that we are fighting dosen't care and will use it to their advantage. I have personally seen insurgents hiding behide woman and children while attacking our forces. So what would you like our troops to do? Also most of the civillan casulaites come from insurgent actions like IED, VBIED, Suicide bombings, etc.. In Afghanistan the ROE( thats rules of Engagement for you who are not from the military) and so restrictive that you can't engage a target till fired upon, you can't call in Air Support even if you are engaged in a fierce fire fight in a village due to the possiblites of civillans being there. We currently have a Policy that wants us to win hearts and minds but that puts our troops at risk as well. It is a double edge sword that I think the politicians don't understand since most of the have never served much less been in the trenches in combat.
I wish we could all get along and there would be no wars but it is human nature. And people here in the States really need to know that there are people in this world that all they want to do is KILL YOU, YOUR FAMILY, AND EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS COUNTRY and will do everything in their power to do that.