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No Michel - there are no 600 ready sites for aducanumab


There is no label and therefore there is no posted price. The best Biogen has is possibly some interested locations that will still take the time to review before making any decisions. Hospitals are waiting to see what this drug would cost and many other factors before committing to anything. To be so bold to make that statement is so very wrong and inaccurate.

All this is about is $$$

FDA will do the right thing and ask for more data and postpone any kind of approval.


There is no label and therefore there is no posted price. The best Biogen has is possibly some interested locations that will still take the time to review before making any decisions. Hospitals are waiting to see what this drug would cost and many other factors before committing to anything. To be so bold to make that statement is so very wrong and inaccurate.

All this is about is $$$

FDA will do the right thing and ask for more data and postpone any kind of approval.

Of course there aren't 600 sites. They started telling all the employees we want 600. They actually think they have them? No. There are no 100% green sites. No one really wants to sell this piece of crap anymore.

Why do people expect anything different on what Biogen is doing right now? They are towing the line and want the media to believe they are moving forward with aducanumab because they want to keep the illusion and the stock price up. If they didn't do that, the stock would tank right now. Is there 600 ready sites? Absolutely not. That is absurd. Anyone ever hear of P&T????

Till the last hour. Till the last minute. Till the last second. They will have every single employee going full force to keep that illusion.

They want 600 ready sites, we gave them 600 sites. Making up things kept me busy

Appreciate the sarcasm, but it is very true. A "green" account is someone that has expressed interest and has the capability. That often does not equate to they will actually do it. The whole concept is crazy. From a compliance standpoint, no one is supposed to be bringing up a drug. Period. How can any employee be graded regarding taking an account to green? You can't force an account to say yes and in many cases, people are being noncompliant because of the enormous pressure they are putting on employees right now. This has been a compliance breaking nightmare. Would not be surprised at all if someone becomes a whistle blower. You are setting up accounts on an infusion website when there is no drug? There will be so many accounts, probably more than 70%, that will not do it in the unlikely event of approval due to the buy and bill $$$ price, the ridiculous amount of work to get a patient through, and the extreme narrow indication. Less than 40% chance of approval. If there is an approval, everyone will hate the label and it will be nothing short of blunt trauma to the brain every single day.

The skepticism did not help with any investments at risk.
600 ready sites is a statement far from
Reality and focused on creating the investor enthusiasm. Read the reports: everyone saw through the crap

Does it even matter? The results are marginal at best and useless at high economic cost and with significant adverse events. If approved fully or in part, launch is likely to be bad even by Biogens numbers at last earnings call. If not approved, all products are old with no near term big catalysts and revenue falling off the tec cliff.

Watching the dance is quite the spectacle. Lillys sola data doesn't have carryover to adu. Oh, lilly's dona has carryover. Never mind that adu trial failure... we made it work. Quick look over there while the bad ban2401 results go out the back door.


Does it even matter? The results are marginal at best and useless at high economic cost and with significant adverse events. If approved fully or in part, launch is likely to be bad even by Biogens numbers at last earnings call. If not approved, all products are old with no near term big catalysts and revenue falling off the tec cliff.

Watching the dance is quite the spectacle. Lillys sola data doesn't have carryover to adu. Oh, lilly's dona has carryover. Never mind that adu trial failure... we made it work. Quick look over there while the bad ban2401 results go out the back door.


Yes ENOUGH. Most people want this to end completely. The drug sucks.