No Integrity - poor treatment of NPS acquired employees

Field sales isn't entirely thrilled with Shire either, but the misdirection seems to be based on ignorance rather than intent. Reducing vacation time wasn't a good start and while the car program itself is good, the choices are a joke. Can't wait to get the Forester!

We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can't think what anybody sees in them. Severance please.

Field sales isn't entirely thrilled with Shire either, but the misdirection seems to be based on ignorance rather than intent. Reducing vacation time wasn't a good start and while the car program itself is good, the choices are a joke. Can't wait to get the Forester!

Our fates lie with our numbers. The product will need to show growth or we will be doomed I am afraid.

The entire gattex team is looking to leave. Local manager is fine. Senior leadership is a joke and they have no clue how to be successful with this product. Most of the team will be gone soon. Dont waste your time

NPS paid very well and I'm sure many have base salaries in the 130-150 range

What Shire does with new hires is up to them. If they want talent, they'll have to shell out
Don't bet on it. They will bring in some loser friend to run things there and they systematically remove people to make room for other friends (at alower salary). They are so arragant they don't feel they need to keep any previous knowledge around, in fact they fear it, so they wipe them out. Thats what goid old marble-mouth Perry Sternberg did with the help of his man-girl Kobe.

Don't bet on it. They will bring in some loser friend to run things there and they systematically remove people to make room for other friends (at alower salary). They are so arragant they don't feel they need to keep any previous knowledge around, in fact they fear it, so they wipe them out. Thats what goid old marble-mouth Perry Sternberg did with the help of his man-girl Kobe.

Wow nailed it