No business cards/name badges?

Okay, well I don't know where you live, and I get your point, but in a lot of metro areas they are going to RepTrax software that requires even more than a nametag and a business card, you have to pay for the service in many cases and you have to provide a shot record, and no shot record then no access. You may be able to access some offices but it is certainly nice when you appear a little more professional with a nametage and a lousy business card to leave behind. Just sayin....

bring in some cheddar puffs for the office to get back there!

Who ever says or thinks that name badges or proper I.D. is irrelevant is clearly out of touch...I was asked @ my storage unit if I could provide Oncall I.D. Just to get marketing material

Easier said than done. In my area if I dont have a name tag and business card I am not allowed to go back to the sample area. I have had 2 offices turn me away. They were apologetic but said they have had a rep imposter some years back come in and steal samples and re-sale on the outside. Birth control pills mostly. This was outside of LA.

Your poor, poor life... When you get up for work tomorrow, start your car up in the garage, let it run for about 20 minutes but please don't open up the garage door, next, sit inside of it, make sure the windows are up, and turn your favorite radio station on.

Your poor, poor life... When you get up for work tomorrow, start your car up in the garage, let it run for about 20 minutes but please don't open up the garage door, next, sit inside of it, make sure the windows are up, and turn your favorite radio station on.

This is a former Pfizer rep. He was let go and has been posting these type of negative things on other CSO sites that handle Pfizer products. He is former military and was identified as an aggressive individual that could harm other employees if agitated. He was let go and is out for revenge.

Many office and hospital systems are now requiring RepTrax accounts as well as other services of this type. Wait until this company has to expense this, about $250 per year, plus all the shot you have to get and certification process. Name tags will be the least of their worries. Some people wear them and some people don't, but we already look like rent a reps so would be nice to class it up a bit with some proper ID.