No 3s in Values and Behaviors for Executive Sales Reps.!

save the typing I will simplify
Values & Behaviors = total horseshit
only a noob moron thinks this has basis in reality
but it does keep you hamsters on the hamster wheel

You're wrong or misinformed, please read on.

"save the typing I will simplify" - thank you for your brevity, it saved me some time.
"Values & Behaviors = total horseshit" - won't argue with you there.
"only a noob moron thinks this has basis in reality" - I've been around many years, including about 10 as a DM. This is absolutely the way it works.
"but it does keep you hamsters on the hamster wheel" - better than being the hamster in your butt

The most recent way I remember that determined who in the District/Region gets a 1, 2 or 3 in the Vs&Bs?

Each Representative is rated (Below, Meets, or Exceeds expectations) on each V&B. Each V&B has a different weighting relative to how important it is (for example: Results Driven = higher weighting, Fast Action = lower weighting). All the ratings are now weighted and a score is given for each Representative. The Highest possible score is a 3. A District of 10 Representatives might have a range of scores that look like this: 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 1.8, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5. Those on the bottom end of the Region (say, the bottom 15%) get a 1 in Vs&Bs and those at the top (say, the top 15%) get a 3 in Vs&Bs. Everybody in between gets a 2.

First of all..thank you for clarifying. I've been here over five years and never knew how this bullshit was evaluated. Interesting how the managers and the company keeps this top secret, because they all know it's bullshit too. No wonder there is no real sales talent here....everyone is too busy perfecting their ass-kissing technique instead of their sales technique.

The most recent way I remember that determined who in the District/Region gets a 1, 2 or 3 in the Vs&Bs?

Each Representative is rated (Below, Meets, or Exceeds expectations) on each V&B. Each V&B has a different weighting relative to how important it is (for example: Results Driven = higher weighting, Fast Action = lower weighting). All the ratings are now weighted and a score is given for each Representative. The Highest possible score is a 3. A District of 10 Representatives might have a range of scores that look like this: 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 1.8, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5. Those on the bottom end of the Region (say, the bottom 15%) get a 1 in Vs&Bs and those at the top (say, the top 15%) get a 3 in Vs&Bs. Everybody in between gets a 2.

I'm pretty sure this is not true.

The real reason the company is emphasizing V and B's is they know the IMS data is bad and they want to avoid being hauled into court. V and B's are subjective not objective so if you complain it's your Managers or his bosses opinion of you. Easy way to go after and weed out anyone who speaks up, questions or complains. Spent a long time in this unethical organization, they never practice what they preach which is why all the long term Leaders who were worth anything have left this place. Your left with the worst of the worst, leaders who care only about themselves not their employees, an organization that will do anything to continue to drive big profits in spite of poor performing products and sales.


Former DM- It is true. It is all based on percentages. It differs each year, each dept, each country. Often only 5% can get a 3.3 10% 2.3 or 3.2 Same numbers for 1's and the rest is in the middle and it doesn't matter if you have more 3.3's, they will take more 1's though. You can fight it to a certain degree but another DM has to give up a 3.3 from their team. Worst case scenario they can take it to the VP and try and get approval. But the number doesn't vary too far. Its a ridiculous system, it is not motivating and doesn't make sense as more and more cuts happen and you are technically left with teams of higher performing reps. Don't think many of us haven't tried to fight it and offer alternative solutions but they don't care, it is a global policy. Not sure how it plays out for upper managment but I can tell you it is the same system for DM's. No matter how good you are unless the DM who has been getting 3.3's for years leaves his position- you can't get a 3.3. You can argue where is the motivation to work your ass off to get a 3.3 if it is nearly impossible and they don't care. The system is the system to hell with the impact on our employees. They will have to suck it up.

Doubt it has much to do with salary but the fact some of these people never deserved the promotion in the first place. It all depends on who's ass they kissed to get there. It's all a game, there is no merit behind it. Maybe in a very few instances people deserved it but by and large...what a joke.

Bitter? Or did you get "overlooked"?

AGREED! This is a "SALES organization", not a Values and Behaviors organization!!! So sick of the ass-kissing non-performers getting a 3 every year in their Values & Behaviors just so they can get some stock options and stick around another year or two. I hate the f*cked up culture at Novartis! Hope they lay me off so I can go work for a company that values "sales" over ass-kissing.

News Flash: You don't have to be laid off so you "can go work for a company that values "sales" over ass-kissing." You can leave any time. I would think there are several companies lined up now vying for your superior skills.

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