No 3s in Values and Behaviors for Executive Sales Reps.!


My understanding is that they have made it impossible for Executive Reps. to ever get a 3, while those that are lower levels can be completely average at their job and get a 3. It's all based on our Values and Behaviors in a particular level. You could be a complete idiot, and still exceed expectations on a lower level. However, Executives must be a thought leader in every parameter (which is pretty much impossible).

I don't really care about the raise, but isn't this a way to weed out our top reps. when layoffs come along? So, if you never excel enough in sales to get promoted to a higher level, you will be rewarded with a higher rating than those that have achieved a higher level.

Thank you Novartis.... We can see what you value.

No, not trying to weed out the executive reps at all. The bar is a whole lot higher when you've arrived at the executive sales rep level. A sales consultant or sales rep has to do less to actually earn the 3 but it's justifiable. You're paid more, you supposed to be the "cream of the crop," so you have to perform to be rewarded. I expect my 10 year old to take a bath and brush his teeth at night. (he's not getting a treat for that) but when my 4 year old does it consistently, we make a big deal out of it. You can't want to baske in the rays of praise when the company praises you but want the same responsibility as a lower rep when it's time to get evaluated.

My understanding is that they have made it impossible for Executive Reps. to ever get a 3, while those that are lower levels can be completely average at their job and get a 3. It's all based on our Values and Behaviors in a particular level. You could be a complete idiot, and still exceed expectations on a lower level. However, Executives must be a thought leader in every parameter (which is pretty much impossible).

I don't really care about the raise, but isn't this a way to weed out our top reps. when layoffs come along? So, if you never excel enough in sales to get promoted to a higher level, you will be rewarded with a higher rating than those that have achieved a higher level.

Thank you Novartis.... We can see what you value.

You incorrectly stated that you "must be a Thought Leader in every parameter". There are 4 of the 9 V&B's where you are expected to be INTERMEDIATE. If you exceed in these 4 (Advanced Level), you would need just 1 more V&B to exceed to get a 3. As an Executive Sales Consultant, I would expect you to know that. If you don't read the damn book, maybe you don't deserve it after all.

Some news for all Executive Sales Consultants

All ESC's are in jeopardy of losing their jobs just because of the salary ranges for these reps. Don't think that Novartis cares about your tenure or accomplishments. They don't. If you are an Executive Sales Consultant, you are at the higher salaries and you cost the company more. Won't matter whether you got a 2-3 or 3-3, if it's about the bottom line, your job will be cut. And if HR is running the show, which I think they are, management won't have any say this time.

Some news for all Executive Sales Consultants

All ESC's are in jeopardy of losing their jobs just because of the salary ranges for these reps. Don't think that Novartis cares about your tenure or accomplishments. They don't. If you are an Executive Sales Consultant, you are at the higher salaries and you cost the company more. Won't matter whether you got a 2-3 or 3-3, if it's about the bottom line, your job will be cut. And if HR is running the show, which I think they are, management won't have any say this time.

Doubt it has much to do with salary but the fact some of these people never deserved the promotion in the first place. It all depends on who's ass they kissed to get there. It's all a game, there is no merit behind it. Maybe in a very few instances people deserved it but by and large...what a joke.

Do not count on that Executive Sales Rank. As a Cornerstone Rep, Executive Sales Rep, 3/3 ranking and tracking to win President's club, I was downsized last December. Novartis is not stupid so they will retain some of the above qualified reps, but don't ever think that you are special!! I was a male over 50, specialty, and had a 6 figure salary. This is the criteria that played a huge role. Fortunately I have my own business so I was not financially impacted and had never put my job over my life like the vast number of kool aid drinkers on this board

Doubt it has much to do with salary but the fact some of these people never deserved the promotion in the first place. It all depends on who's ass they kissed to get there. It's all a game, there is no merit behind it. Maybe in a very few instances people deserved it but by and large...what a joke.

People achieved that rank based on sales numbers. If you didn't get the sales numbers, you were not eligible in the system. It had nothing to do with ass kissing. Managers have absolutely no way in promoting someone who has not achieved the numbers.

You incorrectly stated that you "must be a Thought Leader in every parameter". There are 4 of the 9 V&B's where you are expected to be INTERMEDIATE. If you exceed in these 4 (Advanced Level), you would need just 1 more V&B to exceed to get a 3. As an Executive Sales Consultant, I would expect you to know that. If you don't read the damn book, maybe you don't deserve it after all.

I read the book. Those were my manager's words. Not mine. For the record, I understand that they don't want to pay out more money. I don't think any of us expect it. However, we earned that rank based on good sales numbers year after year. We should at least be evaluated on performance.

No, not trying to weed out the executive reps at all. The bar is a whole lot higher when you've arrived at the executive sales rep level. A sales consultant or sales rep has to do less to actually earn the 3 but it's justifiable. You're paid more, you supposed to be the "cream of the crop," so you have to perform to be rewarded. I expect my 10 year old to take a bath and brush his teeth at night. (he's not getting a treat for that) but when my 4 year old does it consistently, we make a big deal out of it. You can't want to baske in the rays of praise when the company praises you but want the same responsibility as a lower rep when it's time to get evaluated.

Does that mean that it is right for Novartis to choose poor performers who were unable to achieve the sales numbers needed to be leveled, but our expectations were so low for them on values and behaviors that we rewarded them with the highest possible rating?

Any intelligent people still here, or did we weed them out already?

A person can be a sales representative or sales consultant regardless of tenure. Bottom line is unless they are new to pharma, they didn't get it done. This is sales. It's about the numbers. People who achieve numbers should be rewarded.

I'm so sick of the kiss ass backstabbers and snakes who feel like they have a right to be here over people who perform their jobs. It's sickening. We are all scared of losing our jobs, but the underperformers will grasp at any possible means of staying because they know they would never get hired again, and our policies are helping them!

A person can be a sales representative or sales consultant regardless of tenure. Bottom line is unless they are new to pharma, they didn't get it done. This is sales. It's about the numbers. People who achieve numbers should be rewarded.

I'm so sick of the kiss ass backstabbers and snakes who feel like they have a right to be here over people who perform their jobs. It's sickening. We are all scared of losing our jobs, but the underperformers will grasp at any possible means of staying because they know they would never get hired again, and our policies are helping them!

AGREED! This is a "SALES organization", not a Values and Behaviors organization!!! So sick of the ass-kissing non-performers getting a 3 every year in their Values & Behaviors just so they can get some stock options and stick around another year or two. I hate the f*cked up culture at Novartis! Hope they lay me off so I can go work for a company that values "sales" over ass-kissing.

AGREED! This is a "SALES organization", not a Values and Behaviors organization!!! So sick of the ass-kissing non-performers getting a 3 every year in their Values & Behaviors just so they can get some stock options and stick around another year or two. I hate the f*cked up culture at Novartis! Hope they lay me off so I can go work for a company that values "sales" over ass-kissing.

I couldn't agree more!!! I know someone in bottom 25% sales but got a 3 for V & B. Total kiss ass!! It's unfair. In the end who really cares anymore.

In our POD we have 4 Executive Sales Reps and MAYBE 1 deserves it. The other 3 got ESR because they cheated the system back in the day! Forging scripts, going to pharmacy and making deals, etc...The reps got promoted who didnt deserve it , Managers got promoted who didnt deserve it! Those of us who steered clear of that crap got screwed! Because we looked like low achievers, even though we hit 100% to our goals, these a:"+holes were 200-300% to goal.

Now that they can't do those things, the ESR's cant even touch their goals;however, they get paid a bigger salary than I do!

In order to become ESR now, it's almost impossible with the way it is set up (i.e. goaling, products being shuffled in and out of your bag, etc...)

Keep in mind - you will never get promoted in this company unless you are half way up someone's ass....Also, there are no more promotions! You dont even get a salary increase for god's sake....

And as for this being a sales's job - thats the biggest joke on the planet! 3/4 of the sales force couldnt get someone to sign on the dotted line if their lives depended on it!

Don't you dweebs (who all went to college and probably began with a smattering of intelligence) realize the following yet?

1. Reps are NOT sales professionals, not even in your wildest dreams. You are paid to PROMOTE drugs, you are selling nothing.

2. You are WAY overpaid for the "work" you've been hired for.

3. The gravy train (big momma novartis teta) is running dry the last few years.

4. If they didn't get you yet, the chances only increase for this time around.

So......don't worry about whether you get a 1 or 2 or 3 on your stupid evaluations. Wake up, head to Panera tomorrow, get a bagel and coffee and then ask for an Application for Employment.

The V & B's are all subjective...a manager will give a three to a total slacker if he wants too, and a 2 to a true performer, even seen those that really are great reps get a one over a "brown noser". Mostly it's about favortism. Have even been told by one manager once he decided on a curve.

The V & B's are all subjective...a manager will give a three to a total slacker if he wants too, and a 2 to a true performer, even seen those that really are great reps get a one over a "brown noser". Mostly it's about favortism. Have even been told by one manager once he decided on a curve.

Yep, very true! That's why the culture at Novartis sucks! I have never seen a company reward so many untalented, non-performers with 3's in Value & Behaviors in my life. Subjective bunch of bull shit! Hey's a about just using Objective criteria to rate sales people? Values & Behaviors does not impact the bottom line. Sales performance impacts the bottom line!!! That's why there is barely any sales talent in this organization, because you keep rewarding the sales people that suck with 3's in V & B's! No wonder Aliskiren sales are in the toilet! Go figure!

Yep, very true! That's why the culture at Novartis sucks! I have never seen a company reward so many untalented, non-performers with 3's in Value & Behaviors in my life. Subjective bunch of bull shit! Hey's a about just using Objective criteria to rate sales people? Values & Behaviors does not impact the bottom line. Sales performance impacts the bottom line!!! That's why there is barely any sales talent in this organization, because you keep rewarding the sales people that suck with 3's in V & B's! No wonder Aliskiren sales are in the toilet! Go figure!

The people that get 3's are the ones that sit home all day doing reports, analysis and spreadsheets for their DM's while the rest of their team is out selling. Does Novartis leadership really think those people are taking their weekends to do the work? If someone constantly offers to do admin., it's because they have plenty of time to do it. Get a clue! The rest of us want to spend our time in front of customers. The few good leaders we have left understand this.

The real reason the company is emphasizing V and B's is they know the IMS data is bad and they want to avoid being hauled into court. V and B's are subjective not objective so if you complain it's your Managers or his bosses opinion of you. Easy way to go after and weed out anyone who speaks up, questions or complains. Spent a long time in this unethical organization, they never practice what they preach which is why all the long term Leaders who were worth anything have left this place. Your left with the worst of the worst, leaders who care only about themselves not their employees, an organization that will do anything to continue to drive big profits in spite of poor performing products and sales.

The most recent way I remember that determined who in the District/Region gets a 1, 2 or 3 in the Vs&Bs?

Each Representative is rated (Below, Meets, or Exceeds expectations) on each V&B. Each V&B has a different weighting relative to how important it is (for example: Results Driven = higher weighting, Fast Action = lower weighting). All the ratings are now weighted and a score is given for each Representative. The Highest possible score is a 3. A District of 10 Representatives might have a range of scores that look like this: 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 1.8, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5. Those on the bottom end of the Region (say, the bottom 15%) get a 1 in Vs&Bs and those at the top (say, the top 15%) get a 3 in Vs&Bs. Everybody in between gets a 2.

The most recent way I remember that determined who in the District/Region gets a 1, 2 or 3 in the Vs&Bs?

Each Representative is rated (Below, Meets, or Exceeds expectations) on each V&B. Each V&B has a different weighting relative to how important it is (for example: Results Driven = higher weighting, Fast Action = lower weighting). All the ratings are now weighted and a score is given for each Representative. The Highest possible score is a 3. A District of 10 Representatives might have a range of scores that look like this: 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 1.8, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5. Those on the bottom end of the Region (say, the bottom 15%) get a 1 in Vs&Bs and those at the top (say, the top 15%) get a 3 in Vs&Bs. Everybody in between gets a 2.

save the typing I will simplify
Values & Behaviors = total horseshit
only a noob moron thinks this has basis in reality
but it does keep you hamsters on the hamster wheel

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