Please post Neuromodulation article as I have not seen this. I did attend NANS this year and St Jude is in trouble, there sales reps are very unhappy, poor leadership and everyone knows that they have lied regarding there SunBurst data. Burst is 39% efficacy rate and considered a total failure in our industry, it is the worst performing therapy and only used like the sellout doctors that are PAID consultants like Dr Deer who according to the SunShine act made at least $800,000.00 dollars in 2016 from SJM, not surprising he says Burst works for him but not for his patients.

Is your google broken?


Kinfe has shown Burst is just as good as HF10 on back pain.

"Overall baseline VASB was significantly suppressed in 14 FBSS patients (eight burst/six patients with 10 HF10) from baseline 7.9 ± 0.7 to 2.3 ± 1 (p < 0.001)"

If you're going to rely on a prospective, observational study with EIGHT burst patients to sell your therapy... good luck. The real data is right in the SJM Implanter manual right on page 32. Let's see:

SJM defines responder as ≥30% from baseline for overall daily VAS score.... and "a cross-tabulation of responders for burst stimulation versus tonic stimulation shows numerically more subjects whose VAS score decreased by at least 30% with burst stimulation than with tonic stimulation (18 versus 9). However, this difference was not statistically significant"

Dig deeper to page 37 for the juicy stuff:

Responder rates (decrease of ≥50% from baseline) for overall daily VAS score Overall...
Burst subjects (n/N) 39/100 (39.0%)
Tonic subjects (n/N) 32/100 (32.0%)

Granted, "a total of 49 subjects (49%) responded to tonic stimulation, burst stimulation, or both. The overall VAS scores decreased by at least 50% for more subjects with burst stimulation than with tonic stimulation (17 versus 10)."

If a total of 49% responded to burst, tonic, or both, does that mean 51% of patients failed both tonic and burst stimulation??

Don't like the data? Check for yourself in the Proclaim™ Implantable Pulse Generator Clinician's Manual, Models 3660, 3662, 3665, 3667 [PDF 5.5MB] (EN) at https://manuals.sjm.com/Search-Form?re=North-America&cc=US&ln=EN&qry=Proclaim&ipp=10

Does Abbott know that the Executive Team at NMD ( Keith B, Brad M, Eric Fain and their SellOUT Dr. Tim Deer of Charleston WV is promoting OFF LABEL WITH DRG)

I have 4 doctors where they are now going to DOJ to let them know that Dr. Deer is promoting OFF LABEL due to payments made to him from sales of DRG and BURSTDR. Dr. Deer is speaking at Abbott sponsored events and Promoting OFF LABEL usage of DRG and BURST to make money on volume of SALES.

These people are absolutely going to JAIL and the reps that are there are going to loose their jobs, they now that they are lying to profit off of patients at RISK.


Abbott Legal will destroy them like Miles destroyed you.

Do you know that NOBODY cares about NMD? Honestly, it's an afterthought at the meetings. You guys could literally stop selling for a month and hardly anyone would even notice. But, keep up the good work!

Do you know that NOBODY cares about NMD? Honestly, it's an afterthought at the meetings. You guys could literally stop selling for a month and hardly anyone would even notice. But, keep up the good work!

So the questions in my mind remain. Last year the CRM/NMD merger was broken apart. For what purpose? Was it because Abbott wasn't interested in NMD and SJM was trying to carve it out to make it easy to sell?

Please post Neuromodulation article as I have not seen this. I did attend NANS this year and St Jude is in trouble, there sales reps are very unhappy, poor leadership and everyone knows that they have lied regarding there SunBurst data. Burst is 39% efficacy rate and considered a total failure in our industry, it is the worst performing therapy and only used like the sellout doctors that are PAID consultants like Dr Deer who according to the SunShine act made at least $800,000.00 dollars in 2016 from SJM, not surprising he says Burst works for him but not for his patients.

Dr. Timothy Deer in Charleston W.V. is the biggest pice of shit in our industry. He is a criminal, fucks over people and deserves the jail time he will get, SJM and ABT knows he takes money at the expense of honesty and his patients; he is white WV trash. I worked at MDT 19 years ago and all he wanted was to fuck our female reps, now he just wants to fuck over people. Lawsuits anyone? Let's kick him out of our industry and fuck him for a change.
$800,000.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 are you fucking kidding me!

Dr. Timothy Deer in Charleston W.V. is the biggest pice of shit in our industry. He is a criminal, fucks over people and deserves the jail time he will get, SJM and ABT knows he takes money at the expense of honesty and his patients; he is white WV trash. I worked at MDT 19 years ago and all he wanted was to fuck our female reps, now he just wants to fuck over people. Lawsuits anyone? Let's kick him out of our industry and fuck him for a change.
$800,000.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 are you fucking kidding me!

He is as ethical as the next Doc. You need to stop this slander before lawyers get involved.