NL's salary??

You do realize that the ONLY person you are convincing on CP is yourself? Why do you bother?

I do not defend her. I don't even know her. I have been very close to being in her position and I can tell you the pressure is immense. You may have to take home some of the tasks of your job such as synching your computer or counting your samples but I can guarantee you that you do not lose sleep over decisions that you have to make which someone at her level has to do. All I have been saying is don't judge her until you have walked in her shoes. It is much more difficult than you imagine.

Maybe a CEO does deserve a large salary, BUT PDI reps definitely deserve to be making more than minimum wage!!! She makes her salary off the severely under compensated reps. She should lose sleep, not because of pressure, but because of lack of morality.

Maybe a CEO does deserve a large salary, BUT PDI reps definitely deserve to be making more than minimum wage!!! She makes her salary off the severely under compensated reps. She should lose sleep, not because of pressure, but because of lack of morality.

If you believe you are worth more and can make more, please leave and stop your whining.

I am worth MUCH MORE, and have had the opportunity for years to be compensated comensurate with my abilities. Jobs have evaporated in this industry, as everyone knows, and I'm stuck here for the time being.

As some one mentioned elsewhere, people complain sometimes because they care. It would be so easy to make a few changes here and have this evolve into a first class, "go-to" contract company for launches, new indications, hospital initiatives, line extensions, etc.

There could be more to this job than metrics.....

so, based on yesterday's conf call, she pulls down more than the company made in profits in 2010??

Way more!

Nice gig - time to let some of that cash flow down to the sales force - and not just increasing our $$/call by a buck or a buck and a half!!

Oh - and how about mileage reimbursement at the government level of 51 cents/mile?
That would be a nice gesture!