looking through company financials - did you know she pulls down 742 BIG Ones/yr??
looking through company financials - did you know she pulls down 742 BIG Ones/yr??
oh puuleeze - you REALLY think that anyone running this sorry ass of a company is worth THAT much??
Truly, what does she bring to this company that makes her worth that much?
You think she would have turned down the position if they offered her half that amount?
The BOD/EB needs to have their heads examined!
Bingo - timing is everything.....
The previous several comments come from people that work for peanut salaries who have never been inside of a boardroom or understand how decisions like those are made. You need to stay within your level of expertise because your lack of knowledge is showing.
Listen Mr. Trump. read my're fired. For goodness sake execs aren't God making earth shattering decisions. Get over yourself already! There is now way her position warrants 3/4 of a mill!!!!
They may not make the same type of decisions that He would make but they definitely work on more complex issues than "how many samples do I leave this guy today", "why does the doctor lie to me all the time", "when will they give me a newer car", "why do I have to have my manager with me this week", "why don't people on CP ever agree with me" or "how soon can I make 8 calls today so I can go do what I want to do." As one very well compensated chief executive said, "I may only make one or two decisions over a period of time but those are really important decisions." You need to get a grip on reality that you are playing in a much smaller sandbox than NL or any other CEO does.
Well, well, well. You have revealed yourself. You don't work here and you don't know what you're talking about and those of us that do work here know why. Your post is full of holes. My grip is firmly on reality and yours is spewing lies, because your post shows you don't know what you're talking about. Go away idiot.
There is no way to support that kind of salary, sorry. I don't believe it.
People who THINK for a living (engineers, chemists, physicians) don't make that much... and I doubt her intellect even BEGINS to come close to that of most engineers, chemists and physicians. As such, no company would be stupid enough to pay that kind of salary to someone as dim-witted as she.
Copy/paste the proof and I'll believe it.
I don't need to copy/paste any proof. I will give it to you.
You apparently work for PDI Shared but possibly Dedicated since you post the identical same comments on both threads. The fact that you are employed indicates that she has had some success. The company posted a profit for the 4th quarter of 2010, something which it had not done for some time. Contracts that we have acquired have grown and been extended over the past few years. The attractiveness of PDI to outside investors has grown. The future of PDI looks brighter now than it has for the past five years. This was all accomplished during some of the toughest economic times in our country.
Until NL fails to provide those results, she has earned whatever she is paid. She definitely is not "dim-witted" as you claim. That definition is reserved for politicians that are elected, receive millions of dollars while in office and live stupid life styles that make them fodder for the press. It also describes athletes that are paid fortunes but end up penniless due to their inability to think of anything except today's fun. And it also applies to you if you have been employed for any length of time and do not have savings for the future already built up to allow you to weather a storm of difficulty. If you could check her net worth, I am sure you find that whatever she has been paid over the years, she is worth a whole lot more than that today. If anyone is in danger of being "dim-witted", it is a complainer like you.