NJ Tradjenta Heavy Lead


We have a HUB with 6 people, our Tradjenta lead is responsible for us being almost dead last in the regional rankings, his numbers the year before that were also dead last, and the year before that middle-of-the-pack at best. This person is also currently on a PIP, for poor sales numbers. Can someone please explain to me how this individual is constantly chosen to "teach" us on how to most effectively sell in Diabetes at POA's etc? The team sits in frustration during his "teaching" us on how to be "effective" like him, he has sold in Diabetes for 20 plus years and is weighing our team down, someone pleas help.


Amazing guy has one writer who is 'the biggest writer in the world' and even with that ONE writer the best the numbers ever were was middle of the road, for the first six months this one big doc wrote. Then, since he doesn't work the baselines go up and the territory tanks for the two following years. So when the new diabetes drug comes out what's going to happen? THE SAME THING 6 GOOD MONTHS WITH THAT ONE WRITER THEN TWO YEARS OF TANKING BECAUSE THE BASELINES SKY ROCKET SINCE IT'S ONLY ONE WRITER AND HE DOESNT SELL IN ANY OTHER OFFICES! must Suck to spend your life kissing one drs ass, maybe if you actually worked just one full day in your life you could get scripts from multiple writers and not have this issue.

We have a HUB with 6 people, our Tradjenta lead is responsible for us being almost dead last in the regional rankings, his numbers the year before that were also dead last, and the year before that middle-of-the-pack at best. This person is also currently on a PIP, for poor sales numbers. Can someone please explain to me how this individual is constantly chosen to "teach" us on how to most effectively sell in Diabetes at POA's etc? The team sits in frustration during his "teaching" us on how to be "effective" like him, he has sold in Diabetes for 20 plus years and is weighing our team down, someone pleas help.

In your "hub" of six people, how many besides the Tradjenta lead are responsible for Tradjenta? Must be 3 at least, so get off your asses and go try to sell the stuff. Stop blaming the other guy. What have you done to move the business?

In your "hub" of six people, how many besides the Tradjenta lead are responsible for Tradjenta? Must be 3 at least, so get off your asses and go try to sell the stuff. Stop blaming the other guy. What have you done to move the business?

That HUB has spent the last 8 months since the realignment took place picking up the pieces trying to make up for the three years you had the product and only sold it to one practitioner in the entire geography. So essential our territory is almost four years behind the region, ESSENTIALLY, our territory just launched the product.

That HUB has spent the last 8 months since the realignment took place picking up the pieces trying to make up for the three years you had the product and only sold it to one practitioner in the entire geography. So essential our territory is almost four years behind the region, ESSENTIALLY, our territory just launched the product.

Sorry for your circumstances. Good luck with that.

We have a HUB with 6 people, our Tradjenta lead is responsible for us being almost dead last in the regional rankings, his numbers the year before that were also dead last, and the year before that middle-of-the-pack at best. This person is also currently on a PIP, for poor sales numbers. Can someone please explain to me how this individual is constantly chosen to "teach" us on how to most effectively sell in Diabetes at POA's etc? The team sits in frustration during his "teaching" us on how to be "effective" like him, he has sold in Diabetes for 20 plus years and is weighing our team down, someone pleas help.

We get it already. Do you really need 3 or 4 separate threads?

The problem is not the hub, it is the fact that Trajenta sucks ass...

This is the exact mind set on why this HUB is not doing well the "Master of Diabetes" has consistently said exactly what is posted above to all of his HUB mates, GEO team, or whatever you want to call it. He "snows" our manager into thinking he's actually selling in more than three offices, and how she doesn't see it is beyond all of us.