So you know the pap was sent to Tampa?
This is on the Labcorp sucks website about Tampa back in 2008. Is it still a mess?
Tampa Fl Employee | 11 Oct 2008 1:26 am
I work in the Tampa fl lab. The place is dirty, disorganized, way to many errors are made. And the only thing our vp Rudy Mendez cares about is turning out work. He screams,yells and swears at employees all day long to get tests resulted now. He doesn’t care if there is a problem with the test a name error on the specimen… he wants the results out now. And because his bonuses are based on not spending the budget, working conditions here are substandard. iF THE DOCTORS DOWN HERE IN Florida saw where their cytology cases were being read they would never send them here. CAP inspectors, our own corporate people from Burlington, NC have called it unacceptable. There is no plan to move us, Rudy gets a bonus for keeping 20+ cytotechs in a leaking portable trailer in the parking lot. Which by the way Rudy’s GOOD friend Mark Doolittle owns the trailer and rents it back to lab corp at a nice profit. Mark is the Guy paid to do all maintaince on Lab Corp. He gets a salary, hires his own companies (his son and one worker) to do work. So he get a salary for being in charge of maintance, then gets paid to sub contract the job to himself, collects rent get paid to maintance the trailer in the parking he is Rudy’s Good friend at the same time for the past 30 years. I would think this would be an ethics issue.
Our specimens are labeled with barcodes, but Rudy didn’t feel we needed barcode readers. So for years we have been trying to read the numbers on the bar car and type them into the computer. Can’t tell you how many errors have been made with that. The lab is in total disrepair. There is one Man Mark Doolittle(should be Mark Do-nothing) in charge of all of Florida labs and service centers. He subs the work to his son and one other guy. Things don’t get down. They need a maintaince team. The same guy Mark Doolittle is also subcontracted to maintain offsite storage of patient information and specimens. I guess he rents storage units all over town, his wife works at them (another ethics issue) Lab corp is stuck with their 1970′s style of doing things, how they got a bad reputation in the first place.
We do not put out quality work…it is substandard. The pathologist reading the cyto / histo report are not competent in cytology…they failed their yearly profiency test. We are not turning out quality work just turning out work quickly. I have worked in two other companies and lab corp is by far the worst. More mistakes are made at lab corp in a week than than are made at quest in a year. Lab corp claims it wants to inprove their quality of work…but they are not open to any suggestion, It’s Rudy’s years of poor quality way or the highway.