Nice exit to Sweden and stop saying “I’m SUPER EXCITED!” On calls

I remember - he called it BS Bingo!

Too funny! Someone should create an app for that. Enable the person playing to pick the words they want to play with. Then have a ding, ding, ding noise when you win. All could play at the NSM and other meetings during the year. It would break up the monotony. And you could play against others by posting your initials and scores!

You’re exactly right. She is and was a gutless captain. We all couldn’t believe she tried to shed a few tears about how hard the decision was to move on. Yeah, sure. It was very embarrassing that someone’s would stoop to that tactic. Amy V, you made the decision in your best interest and that’s that. There is nothing more to it. I do agree with an earlier post. I have never seen such power hungry people in all my life. So many people will do anything to climb to the top, disrupt other lives in your best interest, and even move to whole other country. I think people can’t even fathom the amount of money she makes. It’s almost universally known that the people that agree to move to another state and disrupt the live show of their families etc. just in an effort to climb the corporate ladder for themselves, generally arent the best candidates for the job. They are just willing to move. How many times have we seen sales reps turn into managers yet they were horrible sales reps! It’s political, who you know, who you are willing to kiss ass to etc. Then these idiots who never were performers and somehow brown nosed their way in then try to prove themselves and tell and instruct real successful talented salespeople on how to be a better sales rep.
There is a time and a place for verything, but this certainly isn’t a time to allow a leader to move out of a new franchise of one year. And speaking of kiss-ups, how do the same sales reps like the one on the call weezle into everything? What an ass kisser.

Too funny! Someone should create an app for that. Enable the person playing to pick the words they want to play with. Then have a ding, ding, ding noise when you win. All could play at the NSM and other meetings during the year. It would break up the monotony. And you could play against others by posting your initials and scores!
Like it and maybe a t-shirt could accompany the app!

Let’s take a DEEP DIVE into Amy V’s JOURNEY. We are SUPER EXCITED for Amy as she carries on the Genentech LEGACY. It’s so difficult to leave this FAMILY. Gag. Hurl. Fake.

No one seems to ever finish what they start around here. The old marketing guy EL begged and pleaded to get a chance for the position as he wasn’t fully qualified for the job and now onto bigger and better. Amy V was super excited about this franchise and a year later in the midst of transformation, is transforming her way out of here. This would never happen in a non-dysfunctional company. It should be clear to everyone this “all about me” mentality is an epidemic around here. Everyone wants to climb the corporate ladder here for flashier titles and more power and no other reason. It’s all about who you know and how good you are at kissing ass to make it to the top.

Transformation comes from Basel and was imported by the current CEO. you cannot blame A for the process. You can comment on her delivery. If you've been around long know you have to strike when the iron is hot. The launch was a smash from up high. You get to reap your rewards. Marketing Director, A.....Frankly I'm surprised their hasn't been more movement on the marketing side. Now as soon as they figure out that you cannot put forth maximum effort, if you do not know you will be around......This rig might be able to move forward. Until then.......

Transformation comes from Basel and was imported by the current CEO. you cannot blame A for the process. You can comment on her delivery. If you've been around long know you have to strike when the iron is hot. The launch was a smash from up high. You get to reap your rewards. Marketing Director, A.....Frankly I'm surprised their hasn't been more movement on the marketing side. Now as soon as they figure out that you cannot put forth maximum effort, if you do not know you will be around......This rig might be able to move forward. Until then.......
GNE management in many franchises and, almost every marketing department, has become a revolving door. What can anyone learn in one year that qualifies them for the next position? Consistency is the real mark of success and that takes time. I used to form relationships with the marketers but don't even bother now because they'll be gone in a year and the process of trial-by-error will start again only to hamper the success of the products. Those jobs have become like internships and it shows. As for upper management if they're willing to do a stint in SSF, GNE is their oyster. Problem is.. too many qualified people just aren't interested and so we reap the results.

How could Amy open the meeting with such a depressing presentation. It made us all sick. That fake crying was too much. The most disingenuous speech from anyone ever. We need a strong leader here. Sh got the GM dream job she wanted. Good for. I’m the meantime, we all need to worry about our jobs.

How could Amy open the meeting with such a depressing presentation. It made us all sick. That fake crying was too much. The most disingenuous speech from anyone ever. We need a strong leader here. Sh got the GM dream job she wanted. Good for. I’m the meantime, we all need to worry about our jobs.

Her speech ruined the whole meeting! She wanted that GM role and it was not a tough decision. When she let out that fake brief cry at that pivitol moment of her practiced speech we all wanted to vomit. This is our leadership? They continuously throw out words like “family,” which is such an unbelievable farce.

Her speech ruined the whole meeting! She wanted that GM role and it was not a tough decision. When she let out that fake brief cry at that pivitol moment of her practiced speech we all wanted to vomit. This is our leadership? They continuously throw out words like “family,” which is such an unbelievable farce.
You guys have it all wrong. Those were tears of joy. Happy tears.