Hey dumbass, those openings for Digital are for the "Digi-haler" platform in respiratory. Launch of new digital inhalation smart device for the treatment of severe asthma. Those aren't virtual selling jobs, so its obvious you don't work here!

You are so cute. Teva has 48 reps for digital sales. Not respiratory. It started after the reorg. Same time Pfizer had their layoff off 500 reps. Hiring back 150 for thier digital sales force. If you check out the job boards lilly and abbvie are currently hiring for the same. Cv19 has changed the industry. So, becareful calling people names when you are the one that seems to be a little behind on the news. I also never said I do work at teva. Another assumption you got wrong

What manager working for teva makes 300? LMAO….reminder….they work at teva….reps at Neurocrine get paid more than a Teva manager.

OP specifically said manager or upper management (eg., ABD or Head of Sales). And yes, they can and do make near $300k. And most of these so called leaders don’t do shit.

OP specifically said manager or upper management (eg., ABD or Head of Sales). And yes, they can and do make near $300k. And most of these so called leaders don’t do shit.

Who cares about reps, managers, or other execs who don’t do shit. Is there anyone else looking forward to hook ups and getting wild?

Who on this thread keeps talking about the respiratory division?!? No one cares about the wart that Teva’s gonna have removed by the end of the year. Everyone knows it and your an idiot for sticking around. Amazing how dumb people are when the writings on the wall. Respiratory division….LMAO!!!!!!!

Who cares about reps, managers, or other execs who don’t do shit. Is there anyone else looking forward to hook ups and getting wild?

Well shit, this has gone without comment for too long. NFM is next week. I know there are some adventurous souls left at Teva. So, in the spirit of squashing the Teva Blows guy (or gal) and all the Neurocrine shit talking can we get back to the topic of casual encounters? I mean fuck, somebody out there has to be down, right?

I’m down to get down. One free trip before I leave this shit hole. You can take your best practices and what good looks like and shove it up your ass Svenny sven Sven.