
Why hasn't this been canceled yet? Interesting how the 'science based' excuse is used to justify (useless) vaccine mandates but we're not using science or common sense regarding this meeting. How can you justify flying 1,000 people across the country, meeting inside, and then flying us back home to our families?

Why hasn't this been canceled yet? Interesting how the 'science based' excuse is used to justify (useless) vaccine mandates but we're not using science or common sense regarding this meeting. How can you justify flying 1,000 people across the country, meeting inside, and then flying us back home to our families?
This company is being run by a bunch of people that couldn’t care less about the salesforce or their families. Covid is all over the place right now. I know at least 10 people with it currently. It’s outrageous that they would make us attend a meeting in this environment. Its almost a guarantee that there will be outbreaks of Covid from this meeting. There has to be better organizations to work for that care about their people more than this.

Just one more reason people are leaving.

The number of cases over the last 2 days along the east coast and FL are dropping rapidly. It's reported today they are down 40%. Follow the science guys. Your posts are very emotional

The number of cases over the last 2 days along the east coast and FL are dropping rapidly. It's reported today they are down 40%. Follow the science guys. Your posts are very emotional

Can we talk about hooking up at the NFM? This may the last ride for some so let’s bring back the glory days of NFMs. We may not have live bands but let beaver fever run wild!

Can we talk about hooking up at the NFM? This may the last ride for some so let’s bring back the glory days of NFMs. We may not have live bands but let beaver fever run wild!

The only fever I’m going to let run wild is from COVID after being exposed to 400 people in a hotel. But one last ride does sound appealing…

Stop your whining about the NFM. You probably go to concerts and football games with 80,000 people. Just say that you dont find value in it and stop hiding behind covid you tool.

Stop your whining about the NFM. You probably go to concerts and football games with 80,000 people. Just say that you dont find value in it and stop hiding behind covid you tool.

Whining-not even close bro. Stating the obvious that most dudes want some stray at these meetings. NFM always has been and always will be valueless. And I’ve had covid and can manage virtually so I don’t need an excuse to hide. What I don’t care to see is new leadership read a teleprompter and fumble for their own words.

Your only hope is that the oh so smart professional email senders called managers heading to Vegas next week will spread covid like wildfire and they’ll decide it may not be such a great idea to have a live NFM.
Svenny Svenny Svenny can’t you see, sometimes you have to consider the health of your employees.

Your only hope is that the oh so smart professional email senders called managers heading to Vegas next week will spread covid like wildfire and they’ll decide it may not be such a great idea to have a live NFM.
Svenny Svenny Svenny can’t you see, sometimes you have to consider the health of your employees.

OMG! why do we even need sales reps at teva? It seems like you guys are afraid of your shadows? Are you guys hermits? Do you have kids that go to school? No wonder Teva sales reps are considered bottom of the barrel. You are afraid to work and use everything as an excuse not to.

I think it’s a great idea….Teva NA all together in one big room. Great way to eliminate the weak. Genius if you ask me. Another great move by Teva once again. Bravo….oh and don’t forget to test everyone prior to the meetings. We all know how accurate those home tests are. Can’t wait to sit back and watch the shit show

OMG! why do we even need sales reps at teva? It seems like you guys are afraid of your shadows? Are you guys hermits? Do you have kids that go to school? No wonder Teva sales reps are considered bottom of the barrel. You are afraid to work and use everything as an excuse not to.

How many fucking times do the rep attack comments get made? If you’re a bitch ass manager or upper management, check yourself. You hide way more than any reps. Most actually forget wtf you do at Teva until you grace us with your quarterly email. And don’t act like you’re a jet setter out there ‘making deals’ around the globe. Set your metrics and activity to manage and monitor because between you all there’s half a brain. Pay ZS to tell you what to do while Teva is still cutting your $180-300+k salary on top. Glad I’m leaving as this sorry ass excuse of management and leadership are also bottom feeders.
At least you probably set up several failed side hustles and did a home renovation while us pussy reps are scared of our shadows. Big talk from a little prick

I think it’s a great idea….Teva NA all together in one big room. Great way to eliminate the weak. Genius if you ask me. Another great move by Teva once again. Bravo….oh and don’t forget to test everyone prior to the meetings. We all know how accurate those home tests are. Can’t wait to sit back and watch the shit show

So we now know you don't work and are not in the field. I mean you are so afraid of doing anything because of the virus you probably do not go to any hospitals or clinics either. I guess the real question is are you afraid of work or the virus. Also know cases are 40% the last 5 days in FL. and dropping.

Wonder what that case percentage will be when you pile 1000 plus people in a room for general session. Florida’s rates are going back up when Teva comes to town. Hi ho hi ho it’s off to work we go….all I’m saying is there are certain situations for everyone. It should not be a mandatory meeting.

Wonder what that case percentage will be when you pile 1000 plus people in a room for general session. Florida’s rates are going back up when Teva comes to town. Hi ho hi ho it’s off to work we go….all I’m saying is there are certain situations for everyone. It should not be a mandatory meeting.

None of ju are wanted in Florida so go somewhere else

Wonder what that case percentage will be when you pile 1000 plus people in a room for general session. Florida’s rates are going back up when Teva comes to town. Hi ho hi ho it’s off to work we go….all I’m saying is there are certain situations for everyone. It should not be a mandatory meeting.

Idk, but I do know that many companies are having their NFM and are not crying like you or making excuses to not work. Teva has been developing a digital sales force to replace field reps. Have you applied? You seem to be making the case to get rid of over priced sales reps for digital sales reps at half the cost. Also can work from anywhere since they do not need to live in territory. You do realize you are making the case for eliminating your job, right? I mean if you are afraid to go to a meeting, you must also be afraid of doing your job when going to hospitals/clinics/offices. Or when you go to the grocery store, out to dinner with friends and family, etc. I think the problem is not this stupid pandemic, but stupid people like you that make no sense.

Idk, but I do know that many companies are having their NFM and are not crying like you or making excuses to not work. Teva has been developing a digital sales force to replace field reps. Have you applied? You seem to be making the case to get rid of over priced sales reps for digital sales reps at half the cost. Also can work from anywhere since they do not need to live in territory. You do realize you are making the case for eliminating your job, right? I mean if you are afraid to go to a meeting, you must also be afraid of doing your job when going to hospitals/clinics/offices. Or when you go to the grocery store, out to dinner with friends and family, etc. I think the problem is not this stupid pandemic, but stupid people like you that make no sense.

Hey dumbass, those openings for Digital are for the "Digi-haler" platform in respiratory. Launch of new digital inhalation smart device for the treatment of severe asthma. Those aren't virtual selling jobs, so its obvious you don't work here!

You ever wonder why the Teva threads on CP are so active? It’s because reps, mangers, everyone who currently works for Teva legitimately and deeply hate their job and are looking for a new one. So Covid or no Covid…no one wants to go to your little NFM pep rally. Not one single person. Not one!

You ever wonder why the Teva threads on CP are so active? It’s because reps, mangers, everyone who currently works for Teva legitimately and deeply hate their job and are looking for a new one. So Covid or no Covid…no one wants to go to your little NFM pep rally. Not one single person. Not one!

You obviously have not been over to the Neurocrine threads. Lol! All they do is bash the company over leadership, salary differences, no company car, etc. It's entertaining