Next wave of resignations

No, I agree with that original post you fucking idiot. People of quality joined Cadence to sell OFIRMEV and unfortunately this shit hole of a company destroyed everything. They didn't choose to sell these other upcoming shit products and if you ask the majority of reps out there if they were looking at companies and these new products were in the portfolio, would they desire to come onboard? You will get a resounding fucking idiot. Most reps of quality not only evaluate the company but the products too. No one wants to sell shit products. Maybe you do, but most do not.

No shit asshole but this jerk off said he would rather quit and find work elsewhere then sell shit products. He didn't say oh I'll tough it out while I try to find something better. Yet no resignation from Mr Tough Guy.

No shit asshole but this jerk off said he would rather quit and find work elsewhere then sell shit products. He didn't say oh I'll tough it out while I try to find something better. Yet no resignation from Mr Tough Guy.

If I can add my 2 cents, I don't read it like you do. They state ...would rather quit and find another job. Doesn't necessarily mean they would quit before finding another job. They mean they would leave a job if forced to sell products they don't believe in. Most people would never quit a job until they found something else. In this case, probably about 95% of the current salesforce are interviewing for other positions. I talk to each member of my team and a handful of others and there isn't one person that isn't looking for new opportunities. There isn't a single person I know that is happy here and the company did it to themselves.

Portola will take a at least half a dozen in a few months. When pressure to sell these new hemostats starts people will be even more motivated to find other opportunities. This summer will be miserable.

You were not asked to interview. They only called people that work and know how to drive business. You're stuck here because all you can do is sell IV Tylenol and do your dumb ass dinner programs that suck. No one wants to here about IV shitenol! Your a loser!

Mallinckrodt will welcome the departure of the sour and lazy crew that have committed to Portola. See ya!

Lol. Don't be stupid. That's a laugh considering Portola is only taking the high performing producers that bring significantly more money into the company than the majority of the other reps. They would never take an average performing rep. Period.

Yes. These are coveted positions. I know two people on my team that are just waiting for the green light and have contingent offers. I wanted a position so badly but didn't get the opportunity.

"Were" coveted....not with the delay of second product. The company is now going to have to do additional trials. They will likely put breaks on hiring and try to sell co.

"Were" coveted....not with the delay of second product. The company is now going to have to do additional trials. They will likely put breaks on hiring and try to sell co.

Get out of here!!! You have no idea what you're talking about and they already have contingent offers. The reversal drug will be a blockbuster and the second product will end up on top. Don't be stupid. These things happen everyday in this world, but first priority is getting the top salespeople onboard as quickly as possible. Portola is an incredible opportunity.

Get out of here!!! You have no idea what you're talking about and they already have contingent offers. The reversal drug will be a blockbuster and the second product will end up on top. Don't be stupid. These things happen everyday in this world, but first priority is getting the top salespeople onboard as quickly as possible. Portola is an incredible opportunity.

Haha an incredible opportunity IF they get FDA approval for their products. What happens when the FDA delays the approvals for a year and Mallinckrodt goes under/ gets sold? I'd put some eggs in another basket

Haha an incredible opportunity IF they get FDA approval for their products. What happens when the FDA delays the approvals for a year and Mallinckrodt goes under/ gets sold? I'd put some eggs in another basket

Well I agree with you there. Trust me, those with contingent offers still have other feelers out for other opportunities.

Hear a lot of folks in neuro have already left or are leaving soon. Any names so far??

Wouldn't you like to know TM and you give a shit about any single person in this division. All you fuck faces care about it climbing that ladder. ALL of us are running to get the fuck out of neuro before you drive it into the ground more than you already have!! We will take ANY position to get out of this division.