Nexium rep vs. Zegerid rep

Old Nexium rep here. A few points:
1. Nexium isn't really any better than the others. Sure ph > 4 longer, better healing, blah blah blah. None of it really matters to patients or docs.
2. If DTC is the reason Nexium is number one why doesn't every PPI company do DTC?
3. AZ reps need to realize that not every company NEEDS 40% share of the PPI market. A few market share points in a 6 billion dollar market pays the bills for a small company like Santarus. Don't be an idiot and think you're crushing with a 48 share. A 5 share for a small pharma company is just as good.
4. Santarus...a capsule version of Zegerid? Congrats, you just reinvented Prilosec.

Old Nexium rep here. A few points:
1. Nexium isn't really any better than the others. Sure ph > 4 longer, better healing, blah blah blah. None of it really matters to patients or docs.
2. If DTC is the reason Nexium is number one why doesn't every PPI company do DTC?
3. AZ reps need to realize that not every company NEEDS 40% share of the PPI market. A few market share points in a 6 billion dollar market pays the bills for a small company like Santarus. Don't be an idiot and think you're crushing with a 48 share. A 5 share for a small pharma company is just as good.
4. Santarus...a capsule version of Zegerid? Congrats, you just reinvented Prilosec.

Too bad we can't even get a few market share points.

My docs don't really see a need for another PPI

"We" will kick your asses? Please! Once again, the big bosses will make out like bandits,the reps will be sucking wind. Do you think you're going to be selling the generic anything? What a dumbass.

When esomeprazole goes generic, we will own the immediate release formulation of esomeprazole and kick your respective asses....

You fucking AZ asshole. You know squat! The Nexium patent as is will far outlast your lame career in the industry. And we have the exclusive IR patent until 2016. Such an don't know the don't know the market. Hiding in a pod , letting the DTC sell your product, riding flat Nrx growth that was built by those before you, you sample dropping blowhard.

I am actually a consumer who was blessed with a GERD/ACID REFLUX problem and I have tried everything. I googled Nexium vs. Zegerid just to get some more information, because i had never heard of Zegerid. I am a sevier case, and I have to say I have tried both. Sorry to say it, but the Zegerid works better. I wondered if it is because its a larger pill or if was just a better product. Not sure, but thats the facts.

Nexium is done...old news...old technology...and now being commoditized.

AZ is farming it out to a contracted sub-par sample-dropping sales force that make $35k a year at best.

The time is now for Zegerid.

Its funny how Aciphex was never mentioned on this thread. Yes. it is a little late in the game, but most gastros will tell you it is fast and b/c of its PKA it works the best. Nexium just got this image as being the best b/c of the trillions of dollars of marketing AZ put into the drug. It is quite amusing however that Nexium has horrible managed care coverage and yet they still are the market leader. I think most doctors would agree that all PPIs are the same. Be real here people, there is not much to differentiate. As for can't compete against Aciphex, Nexium, Prevacid or the new KaPIDEX! All Zegerid is, is omeprazole w/ sodium bicarb...with a high price tag. The only reason the doctors give it out is b/c I think the company spends more on samples than on what their ROI is on the product. Sample closets are overflowing w/ Zegerid, they are practically giving away months of therapy, now wonder their share is like .0003. Honestly Zegerid should have never been put on the market it is a waste...give your patients omeprazole and tell them to take some tums with it, it would be way cheaper. Thats what I tell my wonder your share sucks. Once Prevacid goes generic...there will really be no point in selling or branding PPIs anymore, the class is too big, and people want things that are cheaper now days. Nexium and Aciphex will be fading out, and I already have a bunch of gastros pissed about KRAPIDEX...they think it was pointless that it was ever invented. Managed care coverage sucks and its no better than an ordinary PPI. This class of drugs will be obsolete soon for the pharm rep. Deal w/ it Zegerid rep and stop thinking you product is awesome, b/c its not.

Its funny how Aciphex was never mentioned on this thread. Yes. it is a little late in the game, but most gastros will tell you it is fast and b/c of its PKA it works the best. Nexium just got this image as being the best b/c of the trillions of dollars of marketing AZ put into the drug. It is quite amusing however that Nexium has horrible managed care coverage and yet they still are the market leader. I think most doctors would agree that all PPIs are the same. Be real here people, there is not much to differentiate. As for can't compete against Aciphex, Nexium, Prevacid or the new KaPIDEX! All Zegerid is, is omeprazole w/ sodium bicarb...with a high price tag. The only reason the doctors give it out is b/c I think the company spends more on samples than on what their ROI is on the product. Sample closets are overflowing w/ Zegerid, they are practically giving away months of therapy, now wonder their share is like .0003. Honestly Zegerid should have never been put on the market it is a waste...give your patients omeprazole and tell them to take some tums with it, it would be way cheaper. Thats what I tell my wonder your share sucks. Once Prevacid goes generic...there will really be no point in selling or branding PPIs anymore, the class is too big, and people want things that are cheaper now days. Nexium and Aciphex will be fading out, and I already have a bunch of gastros pissed about KRAPIDEX...they think it was pointless that it was ever invented. Managed care coverage sucks and its no better than an ordinary PPI. This class of drugs will be obsolete soon for the pharm rep. Deal w/ it Zegerid rep and stop thinking you product is awesome, b/c its not.

I regret to say that I sold Zegerid and no longer do thank god! However, as I was reading your rant here I can't begin to tell you how wrong you are with telling docs to prescribe omeprazole and adding sodium bicarb to it.. it would not work the same because omeprazole has an enteric coating therefore it is a delayed release and it would take 3 hours for the omeprazole to enter the bloodstream. the bicarb would wear off in 30 minutes and there would be no omeprazole in the system for 2.5 hours. your recommendation would serve no purpose to the patient.. good thing your not doing any prescribing junior...

With that being said people who fail on the other ppi's which is rare, Zegerid usually works for them.. with all the delayed release products a meal has to be eaten an hour after to stimulate the pumps and people usually skip the meal. The sodium bicarb does 2 things: serves as the meal increasing patient compliance and allowing for the omeprazole to be in the bloodstream in 30 minutes.. for a chronic patient the 30 minutes is usually irrelevant... the 30 minute peak is why most docs use zegerid as a the PRN drug (mostly samples) which killed the sales of this drug. it was launched incorrectly with the powder and it never recovered.. when this drug goes generic my bet is most people will use it. that is this drug's only hope to go OTC.. it already happened in Europe.

Wow - I can see how all that talking got you to a 2rx/mo average. When will you all learn that this class is a joke. So insignificant in docs minds. Watching a Nexium rep battle it out with a Zegerid rep is like watching a special ed fight in the courtyard.

Go sell something that saves lives, no not cholesterol or blood pressure either, you'll see a difference in the conversation. I cant believe a ppi rep could talk shop for 40 mins. No way.

As a patient who is trying to get proper care for GERD and doesn't like how the only things my doctor prescribes are Nexium and Zegerid (neither of which my insurance wants to cover because of expense), this whole fucking thread makes me sick.

This is waaay off topic but all the pharmaceutical companies and doctors are crooks. PPI, Statins, toe nail fungus pill that cause liver damage, TV commercials promoting their product, etc. If these lard asses in our society would put down the pizza and lose 50 lbs they wouldn’t need a PPI. And high cholesterol doesn’t cause hardening of the arteries, it’s if it sticks which is due to inflammation. Eat, right, exercise, take your vitamin C and flax seed oil and you won’t need this crap. Oh, and Vicks vapor rub cures toe nail fungus but you can wrap a prescription around that, can you. Whores!

Wow, you all sound like a bunch of losers to me! I'm an MD, but so glad I'm in a job where I don't have to listen to the senseless blathering of drug reps. Generics work fine and anyone that says different is selling snake oil and just in it for the profit.

Wow, you all sound like a bunch of losers to me! I'm an MD, but so glad I'm in a job where I don't have to listen to the senseless blathering of drug reps. Generics work fine and anyone that says different is selling snake oil and just in it for the profit.

Did I read this right, or did you just resurrect a thread that's been defunct for 7 months ... and you say you're a physician? Wow...apparently a doc with no life. Also, Zegerid is now generic, so you can go back to you life (or what's left) and your useless, goofy opinions.

Wow, you all sound like a bunch of losers to me! I'm an MD, but so glad I'm in a job where I don't have to listen to the senseless blathering of drug reps. Generics work fine and anyone that says different is selling snake oil and just in it for the profit.

Dear Doctor, How much do you get paid by big Pharma? $100,000 per year by the rest? You're an ass. And you will be exposed. Good Luck Xo