Newt's officially out!

I agree Clinton is a pig but Gingrich's past was too much for many to accept. Hopefully that lesson was learned from Clinton. His escapades were fairly well known but there were attempts to hide them. I think he fancies himself as a Kennedy!

Seriously though, there are so many issues with the Gingrich's and I can't imagine Calista as a first lady. We've had this kind of embarrassment in the white house and I don't think we need to embrace and excuse this kind of behavior. I don't think this explains his total inability to gain traction with the public. I think it's a combination of factors but mostly that he might have 'big ideas' but lacks on execution. We've had that in the white house too!

Anne Romney is a very great woman who has stayed married, raised a family, is battling two major diseases, and other than the crime of being wealthy, is scandal free. She defines rich as being related to loved ones, family and friends and so doesn't consider herself unusually wealthy. And at least she doesn't wear $500 shoes to a food bank!

Jeez, my gf has a $2000 handbag, $650 Prada shoes and on and on - and she isn't even in my retiree income bracket. I personally like the word 'daft' when it come to what women spend on clothing. I think it's a waste of money. And the thing is, these items don't even look as expensive as they are. Maybe she should go into politics?

Newt is far from perfect and he was far from a highly electable candidate, but these are desperate times and Newt has a solid record of doing just the sorts of things which we desperately need done to set this nation straight. Frankly, he's much more qualified in this respect than Romney. Newt's done it before and not only talked the talk, but walked the walk.
He knows how to fuck people behind their back - that's for sure! :cool:

He knows how to fuck people behind their back - that's for sure! :cool:

What in the world are you talking about?

Newt has been a great public servant and would make a very capable president. I can't understand what your problem with him is. It certainly can't be lifestyle. I guess it's just because you're such a knee-jerk liberal that you can't assess him fairly. :D

What in the world are you talking about?

Newt has been a great public servant and would make a very capable president. I can't understand what your problem with him is. It certainly can't be lifestyle. I guess it's just because you're such a knee-jerk liberal that you can't assess him fairly. :D

Looks like he was talking about his 2 wives?

Or could it have been this?

Jeez, my gf has a $2000 handbag, $650 Prada shoes and on and on - and she isn't even in my retiree income bracket. I personally like the word 'daft' when it come to what women spend on clothing. I think it's a waste of money. And the thing is, these items don't even look as expensive as they are. Maybe she should go into politics?

So you can get the Nobel and wear $10,000 suits?

I agree Clinton is a pig but Gingrich's past was too much for many to accept. Hopefully that lesson was learned from Clinton. His escapades were fairly well known but there were attempts to hide them. I think he fancies himself as a Kennedy!

Seriously though, there are so many issues with the Gingrich's and I can't imagine Calista as a first lady. We've had this kind of embarrassment in the white house and I don't think we need to embrace and excuse this kind of behavior. I don't think this explains his total inability to gain traction with the public. I think it's a combination of factors but mostly that he might have 'big ideas' but lacks on execution. We've had that in the white house too!

Anne Romney is a very great woman who has stayed married, raised a family, is battling two major diseases, and other than the crime of being wealthy, is scandal free. She defines rich as being related to loved ones, family and friends and so doesn't consider herself unusually wealthy. And at least she doesn't wear $500 shoes to a food bank!

No, she just shops for elevators for their cars in their La Jolla McMansion. I mean, who can't relate to doing that?

I don't really care how wealthy women spend their money. But common sense says you consider the environment. I don't wear expensive jewelry or a suit at times. Other times, a very nice suit, shoes, the works are called for.

Let's hope Marie Anromnette doesn't get her jewelry stuck in the door of the car elevator at her vacation mansion. Do you think the blond bomber flips a coin to see which of her two Cadillacs she will drive on any given day?

Let's hope Marie Anromnette doesn't get her jewelry stuck in the door of the car elevator at her vacation mansion. Do you think the blond bomber flips a coin to see which of her two Cadillacs she will drive on any given day?

Seems like you are consumed with envy. At least she using her money to live a high lifestyle, unlike the Odummys! Yep the truth hurts!:D