News at SPPI today

Few Key news-
- John Heymach will give more fake news about POZIOTINIB in coming times but this drug will never come to floor as it's a trash compound bought from asn asian company who are masters at lying on SAEs. It's a failed compound. John's deal with Ran is unknown but external sources says roughly $4 million in cash and kinds through various ways.

- SPPIs thug fake Biostatistician and VP <Gajanan Bhat> boastd already mutliple time that he has cooked data on ROLANTIS under the pressure of CEO Raj as Raj wants to announce on ROLANTIS between Dec 15 to Mar 15. So be ready to hear more fake news on interim analysis. Take home message- enquire and make sure thourougjly investigate before putting you money to any place. Enquire about the backgrounds of people who are working on data and reputation of a company in market. Point to be noted is that Allergan Fired data manager Russell Kondo is working on ROLANTIS per Gajanan. Once can get all details about Russell's past from Allergan as people still talk about his work ethics here.

- SPPI has finally found a scapegoat person in their Data Management probably to save Gajanan Bhat (a highly defamed statistician) per various articles and forums online. Poor guy/girl will have to pay for Gajanan's sins.

- Anil Hiteshi aka 8 department VP in SPPI still remains the bigger JOKER and vulnerable point in SPPI. He knows all the lows and shades of CEO Raj and about SPPIs conduct and if FBI, SEC or FDA grills him tightly he will spill all the truth out.

- CEO Raj's housemaid made employee Chander Vasnandani is still not clear about his relationship with CEO as per various sources. Why he was brought from India and why he was made a Director right away is still not understood. During his employment he is still getting company paid accommodation for over an year now plus money under the table, a package beyond anybody, regilar visit to CEOs clubhouse etc. near Half of the SPPI hates him even after being awarded and promoted by CEO himself on many podiums. Something is very fishy and unethical here...

- CEO Raj has hired many low experienced kids and have made them managers all around the organization ..just to SPY for him. These are good kids under a bad person(CEO) and All this information is coming from some of them only.

- Newz of the decade from SPPI is that many of CEO Raj's high level VPs and Directors had planned and forced Raj to raise stock prices so they can also get some juice. Per these folks Raj was such a selfish person who used to keep all fruits for himself. Remember, stock of SPPI did not upp due to a drug being approved, positive phase -3 data or anything from inside. It got upped due to Raj being playing a hand with Dr. John Heymach showcasing great result of Poziotinib in just couple of patient inq so called investigators trial for marketing purpose. This theatrics costed CEO Raj approximately $4 million. FDA will have a keen eye on this drug in future plus SEC will keep a stringent eye on Raj, CPA and VP Kurt Gustafson, Shiv Kapoor and their combined acts.

Was the last paragraph above and below article connect some dots?. Was it the real reason why ex-CEO Raj had to leave SPPI?

Did any one read below article by a Doctor..

Real discrimination at SPPI. Somehow this post keep getting deleted but it can be read on many other pharma complete to be AMAZED..

" Surprisingly, yes there is a discrimination noticed against white Americans in SPPI where Asians are given much higher salaries. An asian-chinesr programmer who can't even speak proper English getting a salary of $180k in SPPI. Below recent thread from a different post reveals that what is happening in SPPI in real...'

A recent post from another thread...

"This place is a big circus if not an outright shithole. I joined here few months back and now scratching my head.. No one knows what's happening here! ...Recently, I spoke to this chinese girl Yan Chang in Data Management about some data and she had no idea about any of the running studies.. She works here as a Data Programmer but does not know or do anything. She just gets work & things done from outside agents/consultants. I was amazed after she baosted her salary of $160,000 due to extreme favourism and nepotism by her shady Boss DM & Biostat head Gajanan Bhat.

I tried to get some facts & proofs but my accounts girl wontw give me further proof so, I enquired and found the truth.
Below is the link which tells Yan Chans realreal sa $159,185.28 from her Green Card petition filed by SPPI in 2015.

Yan Chan's Salary in 2015 which is now far more than below..

Base salary - $159,198 approx.
Allowances - $250/month
Bonus - usually $15000/year before tax
Stock options - 3000-5000/year award
Appraisal ratings - Always Exceed Expectations (rarely met expectations)
Education - Tuition reimbursement of more than alloted amount (favorism)
Vaccation - N number of times in an year (since work is done from some individual Function service providers or consultants)
Comes to office - anytime she wants /mostly after 10 AM and leaves anytime she wants.

Corruption and Incompetence at it's highest level. Someone please report it to ICE and Trump administration like previously and let an enquiry begin...

#6Sep 19, 2018 at 7:11 PM


anonymous said: ↑


Just for the records..Yan was fired from Buogen-Idec and she used to get $75k /yr. When she was fired. She did not get a job for long time and then started working $24/hr as a desk assistant for a printing company. I don't know how come she is capable to get a whopping $160,000 + $50,000 worth of bennefits. This is more then what most of the directors makes at SPPI

Click to expand...

By the way this year when minor increase of 3-4% increament in salaries were done in SPPI, Yan Chan's Salary was increase by 14% & became close to $180,000 and, all r*****s who are working here on 80-90k believing you make anything better then these Asian/Chinese implants.
You Suckers..! Go find a better place to save your dignity . Looking at this it seems we are not only becoming slaves of Chinese goods but their implanted humans too.

What happemed recently? - Gajanan Bhat made his and Pamela Hsu's and Yan Chan's salaries increase by15-20%. When I today checked I found Yan's current salary close to $180,000 and she is just a data analyst/programmer who was fired from Biogen Idec. I am a freaking Director in SPPI and make at lot less ($40,000 less then her). Seems last time the salary increament drama was a cover-up to pay more the nepotist and favoured people at SPPI. Current CEO and COO both needs to be investigated on these apart from false claims being made on drugs everyday.

On top, Gajanan Bhat needs to leave SPPI immediately as he is the most corrupt, dishonest, nepotist and incompetent person I am working with. He considers Joe and Tom idiot and always boast that he know their Psych to deal them.

Heck with SPPI, If People like Gajanan Bhat and Anil Hiteshi stays any longer in SPPI, I am leaving SPPI and may talk to authorities about this in detail