NewCo - So what are you hearing ?

NewCo will be a dumping ground for the last employees they want to layoff. A few good ones thrown in to make it look good. 2 years later, NewCo sold (products and a site or two) and that's that. No bad press for Merck, a few top dogs make a ton of money. In K1, we are calling it the "Alli-chop". It quite beautiful and devious, the kind of thing true capitalists really love.

You K5ers in GSE already know it's a trimming of the fat. I'd hate to be a PSM auditor right about now. Our previous leader was part of planning, so her biases will be part of the decision making process.

NewCo will be a dumping ground for the last employees they want to layoff. A few good ones thrown in to make it look good. 2 years later, NewCo sold (products and a site or two) and that's that. No bad press for Merck, a few top dogs make a ton of money. In K1, we are calling it the "Alli-chop". It quite beautiful and devious, the kind of thing true capitalists really love.

You K5ers in GSE already know it's a trimming of the fat. I'd hate to be a PSM auditor right about now. Our previous leader was part of planning, so her biases will be part of the decision making process.[/QUOTEYes,

Thats the beauty of this plan, Merck gets to unload deadbeats, underperforms, problem employees to NewCo with very little liability. Why would Merck actually give up, lose actual talent by moving them to NewCo? They wouldn't.

Acct management leadership soliciting questions about New Co. for leadership call next week. As if they don’t know what questions people have -

how many going to New Co ?
How are those decisions being made ?
When will announcements be made ?

lol - everything is so fake here.

Why don’t you ask the zit faced BCG kids to tell you what you want to know or the subsidiary of the future team and their menopausal psychologically unstable New Zealander. They’re the ones calling the shots and neither have any real pharma experience. Hope the stock price plummets and Kenny has to trade his helicopter for a Prius.

If you’re talking about the woman who got carted off by the paramedics earlier this year because she had a nervous breakdown, she’s actually Australian and you’re right she’s never worked in pharma in her life. Got the job because her dork husband also works at Merck.

Anyone else surprised that New Co. plan continues on during the virus situation ?

The proper description should be the "virus simulation." Classic case of Gubmint over reach which just further removes our freedoms...It was never about a virus pandemic people..Wake up! It was all about a Global Reset...Watch us go to a cashless society with a One World Currency...that's only part of where we are headed...

Get use to chronic food and supply shortages, rationed healthcare, and random, arbitrary closures of any of the things like sports, entertainment, that make life a bit less dark...

Also, the companies will use this virus "Simulation" to get rid of tons of people with no legal ramifications> hell, you just have to blame it on the virus. How convenient huh?

The proper description should be the "virus simulation." Classic case of Gubmint over reach which just further removes our freedoms...It was never about a virus pandemic people..Wake up! It was all about a Global Reset...Watch us go to a cashless society with a One World Currency...that's only part of where we are headed...

Get use to chronic food and supply shortages, rationed healthcare, and random, arbitrary closures of any of the things like sports, entertainment, that make life a bit less dark...

Also, the companies will use this virus "Simulation" to get rid of tons of people with no legal ramifications> hell, you just have to blame it on the virus. How convenient huh?