New VP

The heat is on. Lack of performance coupled with fishing off the company pier while married (who knew that was frowned upon!?!?) has him hiding out. The good news is that his commuting expenses have gone down because now he has a place to stay.
I thought "fishing while married" was a requirement to be in upper management at RBP? Seems to be an awful lot of that going on.

I will never understand this company or any other for that matter. We are super small yet we come together and support some people (ie all those god damn reply all emails to show everyone that thou ass may be kissed and you "support their promotion" )as a company and we tear others apart as a company. I know it will never change but damn people get a life or defriend your geek ass friends on Facebook or your twits on twitter.

I will never understand this company or any other for that matter. We are super small yet we come together and support some people (ie all those god damn reply all emails to show everyone that thou ass may be kissed and you "support their promotion" )as a company and we tear others apart as a company. I know it will never change but damn people get a life or defriend your geek ass friends on Facebook or your twits on twitter.

Good point. I've never understood the gossip girl gang either. I guess gobies are everywhere.

Last post was the most ridiculous of all. Really? How old are you? F'd up Fool. Self aware? Are you an f'in therapist here? If so, damn you are a loser. Whack off. Shit. You deserve the AP's comments, just based on your stoopidity! Dumb Fuck.