Hey Geoff,
Pull my finger
I will try that stunt next year with him
"Hey Geoff, Pull my finger"
Hey Geoff,
Pull my finger
I will try that stunt next year with him
"Hey Geoff, Pull my finger"
Yykes this is getting nasty. Can someone confirm the ownership of the new buildings?
You mean like how you keep pulling old threads?
Yup, my boss says it is very very bad
She said that if things do not turn around or get another investment partner soon then layoffs by the end of November.
I think she talks to Geoff
Your boss is getting laid off, she cant keep her mouth shut.
Not even close. Uluru is totally different from NExagon in structure and mode-of-action. Do your homework. Also the company is not "exploding" with growth. Their stock price has dropped by 50% in the last year, they fired their CEO and only have about 6 months cash left.
Don't be so sure about these "skin patch" products. There is a lot of research money coming into Wound Care.