New severance package?

Anyone that didn't negotiate a golden parachute has zero guarantees. That means Pascal and the rest of the SET team are covered no matter how much they mess up.

That is correct. There is nothing in your hiring package or in the corporate guidance that mentions anything about a guaranteed separation package if you are laid off. AZ does this of their own fruition and is under no legal obligation based on anything they have done in the past. Just like matching 401K, they can take that away too or change it at any time. Just because they have done this in the past does not make it an entitlement. Just watch what they do to the pensions in Chicago as that city goes into bankruptcy.

Yeah, the politicians just raised all of the taxes today to take care of it.

The same politicians that broke Chicago and the entire state of Illinois are still doing it. This is what 50+ years of liberal Democrat run government programs leads to. Eventually you run out of money to pay for all of the handouts that are traded for votes. Now the people who elected the idiots are paying the piper. This is what our entire country will look like in 30 years if we don't start cutting back on the free shit. Democrats will scream that the answer to Chicago mess is more gun control and higher taxes for the rich and businesses. Tax the rich until there aren't any rich any more and tax businesses until they leave for other states. Another example of Democrats running a once great city into the ground, Detroit.

The same politicians that broke Chicago and the entire state of Illinois are still doing it. This is what 50+ years of liberal Democrat run government programs leads to. Eventually you run out of money to pay for all of the handouts that are traded for votes. Now the people who elected the idiots are paying the piper. This is what our entire country will look like in 30 years if we don't start cutting back on the free shit. Democrats will scream that the answer to Chicago mess is more gun control and higher taxes for the rich and businesses. Tax the rich until there aren't any rich any more and tax businesses until they leave for other states. Another example of Democrats running a once great city into the ground, Detroit.

Absolutely 100% correct! In re the severance package, they can change it or eliminate it anytime they want. I got out of this shithole 3 years ago because the handwriting was on the wall then. Most of you are either too lazy to look for another job, or are simply delusional.

I'll wait for a nice package, pray that I'm selected, or beg my manager to make it happen. 100% Entitled to it based on tenure. Oh,to go back to "self identify". If AZ offered that again, there goes most of the sales force. Who WOULDN'T take that? All of us fools who've stayed that'll probably get nothing in the end. The only thing M.Tilton did that was worthy of a mention was allowing employees to raise their hand. Some of you will get that. The newbies. Not so much.

I'll wait for a nice package, pray that I'm selected, or beg my manager to make it happen. 100% Entitled to it based on tenure. Oh,to go back to "self identify". If AZ offered that again, there goes most of the sales force. Who WOULDN'T take that? All of us fools who've stayed that'll probably get nothing in the end. The only thing M.Tilton did that was worthy of a mention was allowing employees to raise their hand. Some of you will get that. The newbies. Not so much.

Raising your hand was a gift to those like me that were within a few years of full retirement. We were paid a fortune to do what we wanted to do anyway in 1 or 2 years. It was a total gift but not sure AZ is dumb enough to offer this again.

I'll wait for a nice package, pray that I'm selected, or beg my manager to make it happen. 100% Entitled to it based on tenure. Oh,to go back to "self identify". If AZ offered that again, there goes most of the sales force. Who WOULDN'T take that? All of us fools who've stayed that'll probably get nothing in the end. The only thing M.Tilton did that was worthy of a mention was allowing employees to raise their hand. Some of you will get that. The newbies. Not so much.

Not even our leadership is dumb enough to offer this again. It isn't necessary and was only intended to ease tenured people out of AZ and minimize the risk of age discrimination. It was an idea supported by legal not a Tilton idea. Tilton never gave two shits about anyone but himself. How many companies has he been forced out of?

Only hope now is that before end of 17' that there will be layoff, and they keep the 2wks for each yr of service. IF you receive that and are laid off with a package, consider yourself lucky. I know so,so many waiting for a package. Really those that have been around over 10 yrs. However, those people should realize that chances are slim as of July 17' that A) layoffs are gonna happen and B) you'll leave with a fat check. Your best bet is to realize you're NOT receiving anything, and find a higher paying job with a sign on bonus.

Only hope now is that before end of 17' that there will be layoff, and they keep the 2wks for each yr of service. IF you receive that and are laid off with a package, consider yourself lucky. I know so,so many waiting for a package. Really those that have been around over 10 yrs. However, those people should realize that chances are slim as of July 17' that A) layoffs are gonna happen and B) you'll leave with a fat check. Your best bet is to realize you're NOT receiving anything, and find a higher paying job with a sign on bonus.

Why are we even debating this. I hate this job and am doing everything possible to get the hell out of Pharma. I can't imagine having to do this for another 20 years until I am at retirement age. I think my brain would turn to mush by then. Boring, no respect, no appreciation from management, and absolutely a waste of my time and my customer's time.

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