New severance package?


If they are changing the package, we are in for a world of hurt. Layoffs coming must be massive.

Up to 1200 people to be displaced. Most were to be cut this week. Mystic likely failed to meet adjudicated endpoint. Won't matter if all cause mortality is significant when that data reports out next year. Cuts will be made official after Mystic data is made public. Remember Brilinta brand team kept up the charade for stroke and PDA trials until the last minute.

Up to 1200 people to be displaced. Most were to be cut this week. Mystic likely failed to meet adjudicated endpoint. Won't matter if all cause mortality is significant when that data reports out next year. Cuts will be made official after Mystic data is made public. Remember Brilinta brand team kept up the charade for stroke and PDA trials until the last minute.

Which resulted in 700 people being cut. MYSTIC failure could trigger a global cut of more than 10%. Global senior leaders are already starting to bail. Their noncompetes an not being enforced.

What does that tell you?

The cuts last year were because of patent expirations! What about the Pacific trial you idiot that's a billion dollar indication! Mystic was extended to add OS and be successful a hard less learned by BMS, other clinical trials with Imfinzi are on going, so climb back into your hole and get your facts straight!

Know what you are taliking about, Mystic is set up to succeed because of the changes to the trial design! Once BMS failed on there combination AZ learned and added OS, PFS isn't what oncologist want, it's OS benefits you dumb ass! Jesus get your facts straight, Pacific was a major success for Durvalumab, investors didn't even have that trial on the radar, BMS, Merck, Genentech are years away from that indication. Also Tecentriq UC phase 3 confirmatory trial didn't meet its endpoints leading to a strong potential of being pulled!

I'm not sure I follow the logic. Oncology trial might or will fail but there are new oncology positions posted, about 60 nationwide. The positions cut will likely come from PC which is currently keeping the lights on. Only at AZ does this make sense.

I'm not sure I follow the logic. Oncology trial might or will fail but there are new oncology positions posted, about 60 nationwide. The positions cut will likely come from PC which is currently keeping the lights on. Only at AZ does this make sense.

It's not logical for you because you have no idea what you are posting but just stirring up crap! The reason why there are 60 oncology openings are because of our new hematology/leukemia drug about to launch! Pacific is a phase 3 confirmatory trial that will be indicted in lung and yield a billion dollars!
Mystic has two arms mono therapy then combination, the trial was extended to add OS and PFS. PFS survival isn't what they want which was the demise of BMS and their combination trial failed. So to make the statement you did tells me you know nothing!

It's not logical for you because you have no idea what you are posting but just stirring up crap! The reason why there are 60 oncology openings are because of our new hematology/leukemia drug about to launch! Pacific is a phase 3 confirmatory trial that will be indicted in lung and yield a billion dollars!
Mystic has two arms mono therapy then combination, the trial was extended to add OS and PFS. PFS survival isn't what they want which was the demise of BMS and their combination trial failed. So to make the statement you did tells me you know nothing!
Whatever dumbass. PC still brings in the majority of the income. Oncology brings in peanuts and costs boatloads. There has always been a new blockbuster coming from Oncology. LMAO

Whatever dumbass. PC still brings in the majority of the income. Oncology brings in peanuts and costs boatloads. There has always been a new blockbuster coming from Oncology. LMAO

While that may be (for now), it doesn't matter because our crepe making leader loves his oncology team. Even if it means hiring 60 more onc. reps nationally while firing some PC reps to make up the cost difference. I love this guy! Viva la France!

The cuts last year were because of patent expirations! What about the Pacific trial you idiot that's a billion dollar indication! Mystic was extended to add OS and be successful a hard less learned by BMS, other clinical trials with Imfinzi are on going, so climb back into your hole and get your facts straight!

Watch and whistle. Mystic misses endpoint and 1500 people or more worldwide are cut. Pascal finally gets to close Wilmington office. He is more of a SF type of guy anyway.

Watch and whistle. Mystic misses endpoint and 1500 people or more worldwide are cut. Pascal finally gets to close Wilmington office. He is more of a SF type of guy anyway.

The writing has been on the wall for the Wilmington office for years. One building after another sold or vacant. This may be the year that they bolt the doors for good.

Changes to severance packages=class action lawsuit.

Better check your legal knowledge dip shit. The company has no legal obligation to offer any severance. They can fire you for any reason at any time provided they do not discriminate by firing only protected minorities. If they offer you something then take it and say thank you very much because they don't owe you a dime other than perhaps two weeks pay.

Every layoff and/or self i.d. package since 09' has been virtually the same.2 weeks per yr+1, & two months "stay at home". I agree with the pvs post that it would be an easy argument to convince a judge that discrimination has taken place-over time- if an inferior sev.package was currently offered vs the past. Who cares,anyway....this is all wasted time and pointless...I'm kicking myself for even responding to pathetic posts. Its not like there are any layoffs in 17' anyways.

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